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"There they are master. Tyler's friends have come to save him."

"Good. See to it that they are assassinated immediately."

"Yes master."


Josh and Jenna started making there way out of the cold icy valley of Reykjavik. They had no idea someone was watching them, but they continued on.

"Josh, why would Dema want to hurt Tyler?"

"I don't know Jenna. I wish I knew how to stop it before they took him."

They stopped walking, and Josh turned away from Jenna a bit.

"Tyler told me he was suffering from voices that he claimed was blurryface. He said he was afraid of dying if he didn't stop it."

Tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"When I saw them take my flower away, I was devastated because I knew the truth. I wished I could've helped him, but I didn't know what was happening."

He started crying.

"I would do anything to bring my flower back!"

Jenna wrapped his arms around Josh.

"It's alright Josh." She said. "Just know that it's not too late. Tyler is alive because that flower saved him from his death."

They looked into each other's eyes.

"We're going to get Tyler back. I promise."

She kissed him on the cheek, assuring him that Tyler was going to be saved, and he believed her.

"Ok Jenna. We can do this."

"Of course we can."

Suddenly, they heard noises coming up from the high valleys.

"Master, I see them close."

"Good. Call the men, and prepare the targets."

"Yes master."

Before they knew it, red cloaked men came out from hiding, aiming there spears at them. Josh and Jenna were not armed, and surrounded.

"Josh, what is going on?" Jenna asked.

"I don't know, but I think we should run."

"Good idea."

As Josh and Jenna started running out of the valley, the red cloaks started shooting at them.


"Don't let them get away!"

Josh and Jenna ran for their lives, and they did not get harmed. Sooner or later, they escaped from the valley and hit behind some unseen mountains. Josh checked to see if they were still out there.

"Are they gone?" Jenna asked.

"Yes, they are."


Josh started to get up.

"Don't move! Or I'll kill you!"

He looked up and saw a masked man dressed in yellow and navy green, pointing a torch at them.

"W-Who are you-"

"Don't talk! Stay still!"

Josh and Jenna sat as still as possible, doing everything the man said.

"Stand up! Don't run away!"

They obeyed and stood up before the masked man. He then placed the torch in front of their heads.

"Follow me."

They did as told and they followed the masked man.

Nico And The Niners || Joshler Where stories live. Discover now