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Josh was taken into a tent by Kai. He had no idea if he could trust him or the Banditos. He was still very suspicious.

From there, Kai proceeded to shave off all his hair, and give him a bandanna with a yellow striped coat, with a black beanie.

Once he was done, Josh looked into a mirror, with Kai standing behind him.

"Now you are officially a Bandito

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"Now you are officially a Bandito."

Josh turned to him.

"I don't know if I want to be a Bandito. Jenna was the one who begged the leader to let us join."

"We promised to save your friend, and this is how you repaid us, becoming one of us."

Josh sat down on the stool near him, lowering his head.

"I've never felt so..."

Kai sat next to him.

"So what?"

Josh looked at him.


"Well, I'm sure it's not like where you come from."

"It's almost like I became somebody that I wasn't born into. I'm not saying it's bad, but it feels different."

"Like what Jenna was saying about your friend?"

Josh nodded.

"Yes. Like she said."

"He was a flower, am I correct?"

"Yes Kai."

"And he became a human later on?"


Kai nodded, patting Josh's shoulder.

"I got you."

Kai stood up.

"Come on, why don't we go see if Jenna is ready too."

"They're not gonna hurt her, are they?" Josh asked.

"Of course not." Kai replied. "We have women Banditos here too."

Josh turned away a bit.

"I hope your right."

Meanwhile, Jenna was being questioned by the leader.

"So, as you may know, we don't normally allow women to be Banditos, but seem like a strong and good fit girl to be one."

"R-Really?" Jenna asked.

"Yes, of course."

Jenna grinned a bit.

"T-That's great."

The leader smiled.

"That's good! Because we can make you a Bandito right now!"


The leader turned his back to the outside.


When he called that name, she ran in.

"Yes leader?"

"Wren, this is Jenna. She's our new woman Bandito. Take her into my back room and get her looking good for us."

"Yes leader."

"I'll make sure to bring Ender in as well."

When he mentioned, he came in as well.

"Yes sir."

"Come here Ender."

He came over to the leader's side, and he whispered in his ear.

"Yes sir." Ender replied.

He went over to Jenna's side and grabbed her arm, but she shook away.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

She looked up to the leader, and he made a small nod to Wren and Ender.

When he did, they both pulled her into the backroom. Jenna screamed as they did.

"Get your fucking hands off me! Stop it!"

The leader watched as Jenna was taken away into the backroom.

Jenna was terrified.

She didn't know what they were going to do to her.

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