n i n e t e e n 🔥

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A few days after Jenna was rescued from the leader's grasp, the Banditos were now in the state of turmoil. They needed to decide who would be the next leader.

Many of those who hated the leader, wouldn't agree with Ender or Wren taking that spot, for they were super loyal to the leader and did horrible things for them, and they were responsible for Lilac's death.

Later that night, the Banditos gathered around for a meeting. Josh, Jenna, Kai, and Linh, were the ones who led it.

When the meeting began, Kai stood in the middle of the crowd.

"We all must choose, man or woman, young or old. Our decisions for this clan is the foundation of what our lives depend on."

Kai looked over and nodded to Ari, who brought in Ender and Wren before the crowd, who were tied up in chains.

"Our leader was meant to protect us, guide us, and lead us to the truth, but he lied to us, and here stands his loyal servants. They've done horrible things for the leader. They beaten, raped, and murdered for him."

The whole clan gasped when they learned of Ender and Wren's crimes, while some weren't surprised.

"Kill them!" A Bandito shouted. "Kill them both!"

"They must pay for what they done!"

"Let them rot in hell!"

"Alright!" Ari cried. "That's enough of that!"

His plea calmed the people down, and Kai made a decision for their fates.

"I too wish for them to suffer for their crimes, but as a merciful member of this clan, I will let them live, but they will be slaves to our new way of life."

"I agree." Rani said, standing up before the crowd. "Ender and Wren have done the worst things unimaginable, all to serve the leader, but now that he's gone, we don't need to cause more bloodshed."

She turned to those who wished for them to die.

"What's done is done."

Rani's words calmed the crowd, and Kai went back to his speech.

"Now that our clan is free from this horrible monstrosity, we all must decide who will lead us."

Kai looked over the crowd.

"Do we have any candidates?"

Fauna stood up.

"I think you should lead, Kai. You have more experience than any of us. You won't be as vicious as the leader."

Kai nodded.

"Believe me, Fauna. I won't be vicious like him."

Ilse stood up next.

"I know this doesn't seem normal, but I think Linh should be the new leader."

"What?" Linh asked. "Why me?"

"Because you're wise and you put your life before us to stop the evil that came upon us."

Linh stood up.

"I will never let any woman in this clan be hurt again."

Just before the voting started, Jenna slowly stood up, looking to Josh.

"What is it, Jenna?"

"Josh, I think you should lead the Banditos."

"But I'm not a true member."

"It doesn't matter. People trust you, and you saved them. You were the only one who could put an end to this terror, and now, because of you, we're free."

Jenna took Josh's hand.

"Joshua Dun, you are the true leader."

Josh looked over to Kai and Linh.

"She does have a point." Kai told him. "And you did save her life."

"And you avenged Lilac." Linh added. "She was the only woman I ever loved, and now she's gone, but I know she would want you to lead."

Josh smiled to her.

"Josh is our new leader!" Fauna shouted.

"Joshua Dun!" Ilse added.

All the Banditos started cheering for Josh as their new leader, and he gladly excepted. For this was the biggest step he took in his life, but there is more to come.

Tyler was still out there, longing to be freed from Dema, and the Banditos agreed to help him rescue his dearest flower.

As the new leader, it would be his first priority.

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