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In the middle of night, as everyone slept, Jenna got out of bed, being careful not to awaken the leader.

She put on her navy green coat, placed the yellow bandana over her face, and snuck outside into the darkness, not to be seen.

She had not been out of the leader's tent ever since the Banditos promised to save Tyler from Dema, so she couldn't recognize a lot of the stuff that was around her.

Once she was outside of Trench, her fears started to grow, knowing that Nico was out there, hunting for her friends.

She was terrified.

When she got far enough away, she discovered a man dressed in a red cloak walking around the hills.

It was Nico.

Jenna knew, there was no going back. Once it was done, it was done.

Quietly, Jenna placed the hood and her head, her face was still covered by the bandanna. She stood behind Nico, which immediately alerted him.

He turned around, but did not recognize her.

"Who are you?"

Jenna didn't reply. She continued to stand there without giving any knowledge of herself.

"Don't make me ask twice."

Again, nothing.

Nico punched Jenna in the face, sending her falling to the ground.

Nico chuckled.

"Not too tough now, huh?"

The girl sat up, wiping some of the blood from her face.

"Now tell me again, who are you?"

The girl, knowing when it was time to strike, she started removing portions of her bandanna.

Before Nico knew it, Jenna removed her hood, revealing herself to him.

Stunned and unable to move, Jenna lunged at him, jumping on top of him and stabbing both of his eyes out. Then she stabbed him repeatedly in the chest.

Nico laid on the ground, blinded and bleeding. Jenna stood over him, holding the knife in her hand, with blood stained on her face and coat.

She circled around him, watching him suffer.

"You were the first one I saw when I came here." She said. "You kidnapped Tyler and took him to Dema. He was only a child, and you stole him from us!"

Nico couldn't speak, he was in pain.

"Yvonne told me where to find you."

She smiled.

"I'm glad she left me you."

She kneeled beside him, holding his head up.

"We're going to get Tyler back, and Dema will never reign on Trench again."

With those words, Jenna slit his throat, killing him.

And just like that, it was over. Jenna was free. She could no longer be tortured and beaten by the leader or his subjects. She was finally going to go back to Josh and be the girl she was before.

When she saw Nico's motionless body, and was satisfied with what she had done, Jenna cut off his head, placed it in a black bag, and headed back to Trench.

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