e i g h t e e n 🔥

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Josh sat alone in his tent, fueled with anger and sadness, knowing what has happened to Jenna.

"I will kill that man." He said under his breath.

He stood up in fury.

"I will kill that man! I swear to God I will kill that man!"

His angered voice caused Kai and Linh to run and see what was happening.

"Josh, what is wrong?"

"I'm going to kill that man!"

"But we don't have the numbers."

"Who cares about the fucking numbers?! Jenna was physically abused and blinded by a manipulative monster! I will kill him before he hurts her more!"

Josh fell to the floor, sobbing. Kai and Linh came to his side.

"We're going to stop him." Kai said. "We won't let him hurt her again."

"We just need to think of a plan, and when the time is right, we'll strike."

Josh raised his head and looked to a torch hanging on the wall, and that's when he thought of something.

"I have a plan."

Later that night, as everyone slept, Josh, Kai, and Linh snuck out to the leader's tent.

When Josh went inside, he saw the leader sleeping, and Jenna was sitting up against the wall. Her eyes were white with blood streaming out. She had cuts and bruises all over her face.

"Oh my god."

As he ran to her side, the leader woke up and got out of bed.

"So, you came."

"What did you do to her?!"

"Not much, really. I may have beat her, raped her, and blinded her."

"You monster!"

The leader chuckled.

"I know, and it's all for your flower."

"Tyler would've never wanted this!"

"Oh he would. Dema demands it, and soon, she will be the next victim."

Josh stood up to him.

"I will not let you hurt Jenna anymore!"

"Oh, what are you going to do about it."

Josh took out the torch and lit it on fire. Then he set the tent alight.

"What are you doing?!"

"Now, your reign is over!"

Josh slashed him with the torch, and the leader burst into flames, burning alive.

When he saw this, Josh grabbed Jenna and carried her out of the tent before the fire engulfed it entirely.

Once Josh and Jenna got out, the whole tent fell to the ground, completely covered in flames. Everyone gathered around to see, including Ender.

Some were horrified, while others were relieved when they knew the leader was in there.

With the leader gone, Jenna's sight returned, and her bruises disappeared. When she could see again, she looked up and saw Josh.


"It's okay Jenna. You're free."

"I-I can see."

"The leader is dead. You're safe."

Kai and Linh came over, along with Rani, Fauna, and Ilse.

"Where's Lilac?" Linh asked.

"She's dead." Ender said; immediately.

Linh looked at him, shocked.

"The leader killed her."

Hearing the horrific news, Linh fell into Kai's grip, sobbing. Jenna herself started grieving, for she felt she was responsible for Lilac's death.

Everyone in the Bandito clan started to grieve.

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