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"Lilac! What the hell are doing?!" Linh cried.

"I told you not to tell anyone about the new girl! You disobeyed the leader!"

As Lilac was about to hit her, Kai ran in and restrained her. Josh rushed to Linh's side.

"Are you alright?" He asked her.

"Yes Josh. I am."

Lilac was fighting to get her hands on Linh, but Kai was preventing her to do so.

"You bitch!" She shouted.

"Stay still!" Kai ordered.

She was so resistant, Kai had no choice but to sedate her.

When he did, he laid her down on her bed, tying her hands and feet so that she wouldn't move.

Linh watched everything. Tears started streaming down her cheeks.

"Sh-She didn't mean to. I-It was Ender that made-"

Josh comforted her.

"It's alright. Come with us for a bit, we have a few things we want to ask you."

Linh sniffed.


Josh And Kai escorted Linh to their tent to ask her questions about Jenna and the leader.

Meanwhile, Jenna sat on the bed as the leader circled around her, inspecting her body.

"Fine girl you are, Jenna." He said. "Why haven't you changed?"

"I am what I am."

The leader chuckled.

"How lovely."

Jenna looked at him.

"Why can't you let me go? You've done enough already!"

He pulled her to his face.

"I'm just getting started."

The leader pushed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her.

Just before he could do anything to her, Ender walked in.

"Sir, Lilac has been caught."

"By who?"

"Josh and Kai."

The leader got off of Jenna.

"Bring her here. I have a few words for her."

"Yes sir."

The leader turned back to Jenna.

"How would you like it if I let you see Josh tonight?"

Jenna got excited.

"Yes! Let me see him!-"

"But it will only be brief, and quite abnormal."

The leader walked outside.

"W-What do you mean?"

He had already left, and Jenna was back to being all alone.

At first, she was happy to be given the privilege to speak to her friend, but now it has turned into a terrifying moment.

What will she do to free herself from the leader's grasp?

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