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Josh, Kai, and Linh came into their tent and sat down together to discuss the situation.

"I don't trust this girl." Josh told them. "She's hiding something."

"I agree." Linh added. "She seemed to resemble someone who we don't trust."

"And who would that be?" Kai asked her.

Linh turned to him.

"The leader."

Kai gasped.

"We don't know that!"

"It might be. I can't see clearly but she does have the characteristics of him."

"That's just a guess. There's no need to think that!"

"She might be right." Josh said. "But all the more reason to keep an eye on her."

Linh sighed.


"Don't worry everyone, we're going to get to the bottom of this."

Meanwhile, Yvonne takes Jenna into her tent and sits her down on her bed.

"Are you aware of what's going on?"

"Yes, I suppose."

"Okay, because what I need to tell you is very important, and you must listen carefully."

"Of course."

Yvonne leaned close to Jenna.

"Nico has been spotted outside of Trench. I think he might be looking for Josh."

Jenna got scared.

"Is he really?"

"I'm afraid so, my dear."

"And, according to what Wren said, you have been severely abused by the leader?"

Jenna looked down.

"Yes, I have."

Yvonne whispered into her ear.

"I know a way to stop it."

"You do?" Jenna asked.


"The leader said, if you kill Nico, and bring his head back in one piece, then you'd be free."

"I'd be free from the abuse?"

"Yes, you would."

Jenna smiled with joy.

"I can't believe it!"

"But you must do this around midnight, and act very quickly, for if you fail, you will never be able to save your friend."

"I love Tyler and Josh with all my heart. They're the only family I have left. I will save them."

Jenna reached over and gave Yvonne a big hug.

"Thank you so much."

Yvonne smiled; sternly. Jenna didn't see it.

"Of course."

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