t w e n t y t h r e e 🔥

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I'm heavy
Jumpsuit is on steady
Lighter when I'm lower
Higher when I'm heavy
Oh oh

I'm so high
I'm so high
So high
I'm so high
Nico and the niners

When Tyler got to the lobby of Dema, he did not expect to be alone. He saw no one coming. He thought the message was a set up, until he saw for himself.

The Banditos surrounded him on both sides so he could see them. They were armed, but did no harm.

Tyler looked up and he saw a hooded man, all dressed in yellow, approach him slowly. When he removed his hood, he couldn't believe his eyes.

It was his love, Josh.

When Josh saw his long lost flower standing there in front of him, he ran up to him and picked him up in his arms, sobbing.

After all the pain and suffering, the two lovers were reunited and couldn't let go. Even Jenna was tearing up at the sight of the reunion.

Josh cupped the boy's cheeks as the boy smiled to him.

"I knew you'd find me."

The two kissed as the Banditos watched in awe. Kai and Linh watched as well, and connected their hands together.

With the two lovers reunited, they got together with the Bandito army, expressing everything they had, through rap.

What I say when I want to be enough
What a beautiful day for making a break for it
We'll find a way to pay for it
Maybe from all the money we made razorblades stores
Rent a racehorse and force a sponsor
And start a concert, a complete diversion
Start a mob but you can be quite certain

We'll win but not everyone will get out
No no
We'll win but not everyone will get out
No no
We'll win but not everyone will get out

Suddenly, alarms started going off. The bishops are aware of what was happening.

The army got prepared, and Josh took his love's hand.

"Come on. Let's get you out of here."

East is up
I'm fearless when I hear this on the low
East is up
I'm careless when I wear my rebel clothes
East is up
When bishops come together they will know that
Dema don't control us, Dema don't control

East is up

The Banditos successfully got Tyler out of Dema, but they were now coming for them.

They placed yellow duck tape on the flower's shoulders to protect him from anyone dangerous.

After the walk through the gates, Tyler was finally free and was back with Josh forever.

But his freedom may not last long.


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