t w e n t y ø n e 🔥

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The city of Dema. The most horrible place for anyone to be. Anyone who suffers will be taken there to die, and one of them was Tyler.

After he was ran down and presumably killed by the red cloaks, they took him to Dema, the home of the Bishops.

There, they stripped him of his identity, beat him, and gave him a drug to make him hallucinate.

Most victims would suffer so much excruciating pain from the hallucinations, that they'd commit suicide by hanging themselves by their black attire.

Once a week, the victims would be forced to go to a cult meeting, where the Bishops worship Blurry, the God of Dema.

Each victim would be given a sprinkle of black paint to force them to particulate in the cult. If they refused to comply, they would be beaten almost to the point of death.

For a month, Tyler had been locked away, emotionally and physically abused, terrified every single day, but he held hope that someday, his love would set him free.

One night, as Tyler was sitting by the window, he saw something glowing from underneath his drawer. When he opened it up, he saw that his yellow flower was glowing, and somehow trying to tell him something.

"Someone is coming. They're bringing an army to come rescue you. Meet them at the lobby of Dema and you'll be safe and sound."

When he learned of this, Tyler was excited and relieved. He was finally free, and that he'd see his love again, but he would have to find his own way out and escape.

Quickly and quietly, Tyler started packing his things, preparing to escape Dema.

As he did, he started remembering what he told himself everyday while locked up, so that he'd keep his bravery up to get out and escape.

East is up
I'm fearless when I hear this on the low
East is up
I'm careless when I wear my rebel clothes
East is up
When bishops come together they will know that
Dema don't control us, Dema don't control

East is up

Tyler packed as much as he could, but he decided to not take the flower with him.

He reflected on his suffering that he went through as he was being tortured by his worst visions that brought him to Dema.

They wanna make you forget
They wanna make you forget
Save your razorblades now, not yet
Save your razorblades now, not yet

When the coast was clear, Tyler began to make his escape.

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