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"I don't understand?" Josh said; looking down to the ground.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked; sewing his bandana a bit.

"Why is the leader not allowing me to see Jenna?"

"Maybe he needs to train her to become a full pledged Bandito. All women have to before they take the oath."

"I don't think that's the case, because when I saw her, she had a few bruises to her face."

"I remember Linh had a scar on her forehead before she became a Bandito. She said Ender did it."

"So it's Ender, not the leader?"

"It could be both of them, but I'm not for sure if it's them. Maybe it's Ender, or maybe it's the leader."

"We should ask around." Josh said; standing up. "See if we can find answers."

"All the women might know something."

"Great! Let's ask Wren first!-"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Kai cried. "Slow down!"


"Wren is a vicious girl. She's very loyal to Ender and the leader. She won't reveal anything."

"Not unless we try."

"We should ask Linh first."

Linh?!" Josh cried.

"She has more knowledge on what happened to her." Kai told him. "At first we thought she didn't remember, but now she does."

Josh didn't know Linh and didn't think he could trust her with her information, but he trusted Kai, so we went along with his word.

"Alright, let's go find Linh."

Kai and Josh exited their tent together and started walking down the road towards Linh's tent.

Along the way, Kai accidentally ran into one of his friends.

"Oh my gosh Kai, I'm so sorry." He said.

"It's alright Ari." Kai replied.

He looked over to Josh.

"Who's that?"

"This is Josh. He's our newest edition to the Banditos."

"I saw you during the meeting." Ari said. "I'm so sorry about you're friend."

"He's my boyfriend, and my most precious flower."

"Oh yes. He was born a flower and raised as a human."

"Correct." Josh said.

"I will do anything to help you get him back."

"Thank you Ari."

"I wish we'd stay and talk for a few, but I need to go talk to Linh." Kai said.

"Have you seen her?" Josh asked.

"Yes." Ari said. "She's in her tent with Lilac."

"Thanks. We gotta head down there to ask her some questions."

After saying goodbye, Ari walked away, and Josh and Kai continued their way to see Linh.

When they walked into her tent, they saw something they didn't think they'd see.

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