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Linh was taken into Josh and Kai's tent, where she was given warm tea and bandages for some of her wounds she took from Lilac's rage.

After she was calmed, Josh and Kai sat next to her so they could question her.

"Okay Linh, can you tell us what happened before we walked in?" Kai asked.

"I was in the room with Lilac. She wasn't angry with me, until she started...changing."

"What do you mean by, changing?" Josh asked."

"I don't know." Linh replied. "She just, became very violent without anything that could trigger her."

"What did she do to you?" Kai asked.

"She pushed me to the floor, slapped me a few times, and she said I betrayed the Banditos by revealing information about the girl."

"Do you know what is happening with the girl?" Josh asked.

"All I know is she's constantly with the leader, and that he beats her."

"WHAT?!" Josh cried.

He started fueling with anger, but Kai intervened.

"Josh, it's gonna be alright. We're going to stop him."

"What do you mean?" Linh asked.

Kai leaned closer to her.

"We have reason to believe that the leader is hurting the girl in the most horrible way."

"And we want to know, when you first came to the Banditos, has the leader ever done any of that to you?"

When she was asked the question, Linh lowered her head and began to cry.


Josh felt like his world was starting to shut down.

He had learned the truth, and knew what was happening with Jenna.

Even Kai was horrified.

"I-I can't believe it." He said. "And I thought we could trust him."

Josh looked at him.

"We have to get her out, or else we'll never save Tyler."

"Because the leader will be too distracted with her in his doing." Kai added.

"W-What are you guys going to do?" Linh asked them.

"You don't have to worry, we'll take care of it."

At the leader's tent, Ender was beating Lilac horribly, while Jenna was tied up and forced to watch. The leader was by her side, pulling her chain so that she wouldn't escape.

"You traitor!" Ender shouted, punching Lilac in the face.

"I didn't do anything!" She shouted. "I swear!"

"The leader told you to stop Linh from telling anyone about Jenna, and you didn't!"

Ender punched her again.

"No!" Jenna shouted.

She tried to help her, but was pulled back by the leader.

"Sorry love, but there's nothing you can do."

"Let me go! I'll never betray you again!"

"Too late."

Ender punched her a few more times until she fell lifeless upon the ground, but she wasn't dead.

When it was done, the leader smiled and clapped.

"Well done Ender."

"Thank you sir." He replied.

"Take her to the back and tie her up. Let that be a lesson on why she should've never betrayed me."

"Yes sir."

The leader looked down upon Jenna.

"And as for you, you will be prepped to see Josh."

Jenna was untied and sent back to the bed.

She was to wait till she could see Josh.

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