t h r e e 🔥

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Josh and Jenna followed the masked man through the mountains, not knowing what was gonna happen to them. They feared they were gonna be beaten, raped, or even killed.

Jenna was mostly afraid, thinking she'd meet the same fate as Tyler.

"Where are you taking us?" Josh asked.

"That is not my concern."

"You know where you're going, and we must know too."

"I will not tell you until it is right."

Josh wasn't having it. He stood in front of the masked man, demanding for answers.

"I will not let you do anything that will-"

He slaps him. Jenna screamed.

"No! Stop!"

The man turned the torch on Jenna.

"Do you want what he got?"

"Don't hurt us! We'll do whatever you ask, just don't hurt us!"

"Why should I not hurt you?" The man asked. "You might be spies for Dema."

Josh started getting up.

"You know about Dema-"

"Shut up!"

"We're trying to find someone who was taken there! His name is Tyler Joseph. He's half flower and half human. He's very fragile to us. We need to get him back or he'll die!"

The man didn't believe her and turned away.

"Go ahead and find him yourselves. You guys are no use to me."

"Please! Don't leave us behind!"

"Jenna let it go!"


Jenna ran up to the man.

"We know how much you hate Dema for whatever it done to you. We know how to stop this if you can trust us. We need to get Tyler back, but we need your help, and whoever you're with."

The man looked upon the innocent girl.

"Please, we can help you. In anyway we can."

Though the man was reluctant to trust them, he couldn't resist his hate for Dema. He agreed.

"Fine, come with me."

Jenna became very happy.

"Thank you so much!"

"I don't trust you yet, but our leader will decide it."

"Leader?" Josh said, standing nearby Jenna.

The man turned back to them.

"The leader of the Banditos. He will decide whether you are fit to be trusted."

He turned away and started walking through the mountains. Josh and Jenna followed, but Josh wasn't pleased.

"Why did you do that?"

"We can't fight Dema alone. We need support."

"I don't think this is a good idea."

"We have to try, or Tyler will die."

Josh was resistant to trust the masked man or the supposed Bandito group, but he needed to do whatever he could to save his flower.

So he followed with Jenna's idea.

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