t w e n t y 🔥

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"Can you believe it Josh?" Jenna said to him. "You're the new leader."

"Now, Tyler's life is on the line."

"The Banditos swore to the last leader, but never to you." Kai said.

"Ask the Banditos for their allegiance to you." Linh said.

Josh stood up.

"It will take more than that. We don't know how many Bishops are guarding the gates of Dema, and we don't know the numbers."

"We can send scouts." Kai said. "They can track their every move."

"Good plan, and we shall establish an army, to help get me to the gates of Dema, and it should get us there in time."

"Good idea."

As Kai started writing the order, Josh stood outside of the tent, staring up to the sky, with Jenna by his side.

"Do you think we can do this?" She asked him.

"Of course we can." Josh replied. "We're gonna get Tyler back, like we promised."

Jenna stroked Josh's arms.

"Did I, ever tell you what he, did to me?"

Josh turned to her.


He started walking off.

"And I dare not talk about it."

"The clan needs to know the truth so that all memory of the leader can be erased. If there are still people in this clan who refuse to believe it, they must be thrown out for good."

"As the new leader, I believe in second chances."

"You know Ender and Wren did terrible things to please their leader. They shouldn't live in this clan."

"I will not hear it, Jenna."

"The leader killed my friend and took my sight away! He beat Lilac right in front of me! He forced himself on me for pleasure! Ender and Wren are an abomination to this society and I don't want to live to see them supporting you!"

"Ender and Wren are locked up right now. When Tyler is rescued, I will decide what happens to them."

With those words, Josh walked back into the tent, leaving Jenna alone outside.

Later that evening, Josh stood before the crowd to announce the alliance.

"As your new leader of the Banditos, I wish all of you to join me on my mission to rescue my beloved Tyler Joseph. He is 15 years old, half flower and half human. He needs me, and I need him. If you choose not to join me, I respect that, but if you choose to join me, we'll win."

He lowered his head, slightly.

"But not everyone will get out."

The crowd froze, thinking of the consequences of going to Dema and possibly getting killed. It would be a big risk to take, not just for Tyler, but for themselves.

Right before anyone could respond, Kai was the first to stand up.

"I'll go with you, every step of the way."

"Me too." Linh added, standing up with Kai. "I'll be there with you."

Soon, Rani, Ilse, and Ari stood up, then many did as well.

Finally, Jenna did.

"I've always supported you ever since you took me in. If I had to risk my own life for Tyler's sake, I'll do it."

Josh smiled to her, taking her hand.

"Let's do this, for Tyler."

"For Tyler!" Everyone repeated.

This was it. The army was made.

There was no turning back.

Dema isn't going to control them now.

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