You're dizzy

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It struck you this morning while you were getting something for breakfast from the kitchen and since then Taylor has insisted that she help you with everything.

She was downstairs getting you something to drink and you needed to use the bathroom. You thought you could do it on your own, so you carefully got out of bed but fell right back down right afterwards.

Taylor walked in with a bottle of water, the smile on her face quickly faltering when she saw you sitting on the edge of the bed.

She rushed over to you and knelt in front of you.
"What happened? You didn't try to get up did you?"

You closed your eyes as the room started to spin again.

"Sorry" was the only thing you could say.

You felt Taylor's lips touch your jaw and she whispered sweet things in your ear.

"Need to use the bathroom." You mumbled and tried to stand up on your own again only for the dizzy feeling to return, this time worse than ever making you feel like you might be sick.

"Easy, baby, easy. You gotta take it easy okay? C'mon, I'll help you to the bathroom."

You had to take things very slowly, holding onto Taylor's arm that she held out in front of you the whole way there and back.

If it weren't for her you probably would've fallen over a few times. You even had to sit down a couple of times because everything just got too intense and you feared you might collapse.

But once you were back in the comfort of your bed and you were able to close your eyes, the dizziness slowly passed over.

You hated being like this, relying on Taylor so much for basically everything, but she didn't mind. She liked it. She loved taking care of you.

She climbed over you carefully before laying down next to you and gently pulling you in for a hug. "Love you, babydoll. Get some sleep."

She could only hope that you'd feel better with some sleep.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now