she has a panic attack while out with Selena & she calls you to help (requested)

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Taylor didn't understand what was happening. She felt like her heart was racing and she couldn't catch her breath. Selena noticed what was going on right away and she guided Taylor inside a little cafe and over to a table, away from the paparazzi that have been following them the entire time they've been out.

"Taylor? What's going?" Taylor's hands shaking as she gasped for air. She didn't know what was happening. She's never experienced anything like this before. "Are you having a panic attack?" Taylor tried to swallow the lump in her throat, tried to calm her racing heart, but it was no use. "I-I think so." Taylor was scared, the realization that she was having a panic attack made her freak out and it was only making it worse.

"Can you y/n?" Taylor murmured, looking up at Selena with tears in her eyes. "Of course. I'll go call her right now. You'll be okay for a minute?" Taylor nodded her head and Selena stepped away for a second, relief washing over her when she heard your voice after the second ring. "Selena? Is everything okay?" "No. Taylor is having a panic attack. Can you come get her?"

Selena heard your keys jingling followed by a door closing. "I'm on my way right now. Just keep her as calm as possible." You ended the phone call and drove to the cafe a quickly but as carefully as possible. Selena walked back over to Taylor and crouched down on the floor next to the chair, her hand on Taylor's shoulder. She noticed how heavy Taylor's breathing was, how her hands were shaking worse than before and how she was clearly terrified. "Taylor, y/n is on her way. Just take some deep breaths, okay?" Taylor shook her head, insisting that she couldn't and Selena was starting to panic over what was happening.

Selena turned her head when the bells on the door chimed, signaling that someone had come inside and Selena was so relieved when she saw it was you. You ran over to her, sitting down on the floor next to Selena and you grabbed both of Taylor's hands in yours. "Taylor? Are you okay baby?" She shook her head but opened her eyes. A tear slipped down her cheek and you quickly wiped it away. "I can't breathe y/n" She mumbled, her eyes filling with tears as she started to gasp for air again.

"Taylor listen to me. You're okay, you're gonna be just fine. I'm right here with you, Selena's here too and neither of us will let anything happen to you. You're safe." Taylor closed her eyes again, the feeling of Selena's hand on her shoulder and your hands in hers made her feel a little calmer, a little more safe. "Just breathe Taylor, you're doing great. You're really strong."

It took a few more minutes of encouraging words and comforting touches from both you and Selena before Taylor started to feel okay again. She opened her eyes and smiled at you and Selena, the air entering her lungs much easier now. "You okay?" You whispered, smiling when you felt her give your hands a little squeeze. "Yeah I feel better now." You nodded and helped her stand up, Selena giving Taylor a hug before heading to her car, promising that they would make plans for a day when Taylor was feeling a little better.

You helped Taylor to the car and reached for her hand. She lifted her head up and smiled at you. "You doing better now?" Taylor nodded and brought your hand up to her lips to kiss it softly. "Yeah I'm good now. Don't know what happened, I just got overwhelmed. I've never had a panic attack before. They're so scary." You ran your thumb over her knuckles and kissed her cheek. "I know, but if you ever have them again, i'm gonna be right there with you. Okay?" She smiled and you started the car before driving home. Taylor felt lucky to have people like you and Selena in her life. She was grateful to have people that understand her and care about her so much. It was a great feeling to know that she'd never have to go through something that scary on her own.

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