You cheat and she performs a song about it (requested)

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It was a pain she never thought she'd be able to recover from. Everything was too painful. Everywhere she looked she saw you and she felt you every second of everyday which made it hard for her to do the simple things like sleep.

She hoped it would go away in time, but part of her also didn't want it to. She missed you like crazy and the pain going away also meant that last part of you was going away and she hated herself for allowing herself to feel like that.

It took her a long time to recover. It took her a while to be able to sit in the living room where you used to lay with her or to watch the shows that she enjoyed but were too painful to watch for so long because it reminded her of the times you spent watching it together.

Until one day, she was able to do those things again. She was able to smile again and she was able to go out in her backyard and not feel guilty for wanting to move on from the pain that, for so long, felt inescapable. She learned to love again; she learned to love herself again and to learn to love others the way she once loved you .

And then she was able to finally get her feelings out the way she never imagined she'd have to do when it came to you. She wrote about it. She wrote about the guilt and the pain she once felt. She wrote about all the things she once dreamed of doing with you, the life she hoped she'd one day share with you. How she hoped she'd grow old and have a family with you and how you threw that away with one painful and reckless night.

And tonight she was performing it for the first time. She almost felt that guilt creeping under her skin for opening up about the way you made her feel and the earth-shattering pain you brought. But she pushed through it. She picked up her guitar and stared out at the crowd of people that she knew genuinely and unconditionally loved her. She smiled a little as she sang the song she wrote about you, not because she felt happy to share it with the world, but because the fans that have loved her through thick and thin continued to love her through this.

She was able to let you go that night so she could be free, so she could do what made her the happiest. She knew it wouldn't be easy to forget you, but she'd get through it. She was gonna be just fine without you.

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