Spending the day with Carter after getting home from tour

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Carter woke up as soon as the sun started to rise. It's the first day of Taylor being home from tour and Taylor promised they'd spend the whole day together, and Carter didn't wanna waste a single second of it.

He pushed off his covers and jumped out of bed. His little feet padded along the floor as he ran across the hall to yours and Taylor's room. He pushed the door open but closed it before the light came through.

He walked over to your side of the bed first and gave your shirt a little tug but you didn't move. He ran over to Taylor's side of the bed and started to tug at her sleeve, a groan leaving Taylor's lips before she opened her eyes. "Hey buddy. Everything alright? Did you have a bad dream?" She sat up and watched Carter shake his head. He tried to climb on your bed but he couldn't seem to get a good grip on the sheet to pull himself up so Taylor bent down and picked him up, letting him climb on her lap and kissing his face.

"It's morning!" Taylor looked over and saw the sun barely poking through the curtains, but it was enough for Carter to know it was morning time. He was wide awake and he was clearly so excited to spend the day with Taylor. She reached over and picked up her phone to see that it was just a little after six. "You sure you don't wanna go back to sleep?" Carter nodded his head put his arm around Taylor's neck, wanting for her to hold him and keep him as close as she could.

Her being away on tour was never easy but for Carter it was almost too much for his little heart to handle. He has a bond with Taylor that is truly unbreakable and when she's home they're pretty much inseparable. He insists on doing everything and going everywhere with her, not wanting to be away from her after so long.

Taylor returned the hug and rubbed his back. "Want some breakfast?" Taylor asked and Carter smiled against her skin, a little giggle escaping his lips as she tickled his sides. "Why don't you give our mom a kiss and we can go downstairs and make all of us some breakfast?" Taylor sat still as Carter moved across her lap and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek, whispering that he loves you before grabbing Taylor's hand and pointing towards the door. "Okay buddy, let's go. Just be careful not to wake your mom up quite yet." Carter nodded as Taylor put his feet on the floor. He tiptoed out of the room and ran downstairs with Taylor trailing behind him, but not before she kissed your forehead and made sure you were nice and cozy with the blankets over you.

"What should we have for breakfast?" Taylor said as she walked to the fridge and poured Carter a cup of his favorite juice. "Pancakes!" Taylor laughed and kissed his head. It was an answer that she should've anticipated considering Carter's favorite breakfast food is pancakes and he'd eat it almost every meal if he could. "Pancakes it is. Toast too?" He smiled and nodded his head. "Would you like to go to the park today?" He gasped excitedly making Taylor do the same back at him. "Yeah! Ice cream?" Taylor laughed again but agreed. Whatever Carter wanted to do she'd do.

Taylor made the breakfast and put it on his favorite plate in front of him. "Wanna go get your mom or do you want to start eating?" He put his fork down and started to run upstairs as Taylor watched him and laughed to herself. He ran inside the room and shook your shoulder making you open your eyes. "Breakfast mommy!" You giggled and rubbed your eyes, yawning but getting out of bed regardless. You put your slippers on before picking Carter up and giving him a kiss on his temple.

You saw Taylor sitting at the table with three plates of food, one for each of you. You put Carter in between you and started to eat breakfast. It was filled with lots of laughs and Carter telling you all about his plans with Taylor.

After breakfast was over you did the dishes while Carter and Taylor got ready for the day ahead. Carter came downstairs and hugged your legs so you bent down and picked him up, your hand running through his curls as he put his head on your shoulder. "You're gonna have so much fun today!" He nodded and Taylor came downstairs a second later, and just like that he was out of your arms and running to Taylor. "You ready to go?" Carter giggled and cheered. Taylor walked over to you and put her hand on your side. "Sure you don't wanna tag along?" You kissed her cheek and then Carter's, shaking your head and rubbing Carter's back gently. "I'm sure. He's been waiting so long for you to come home. I've had him all to myself for four months, now you get to go and spend some time together."

The day was spent doing a few of Carter's favorite things; they spent a couple hours at the park, then Taylor took him out for lunch, then they went to the aquarium nearby, and to end the day they went out for ice cream. By the time they got home the sun was starting to set and Carter was asleep. Taylor came inside to find you watching tv, your eyes lighting up when you saw them.

You got up and saw Carter fast asleep with his head on Taylor's shoulder, his lips parted and his small fingers gripping Taylor's shirt in his hands. "I'm gonna go put him to bed." She whispered and you nodded. You kissed his forehead and rubbed his back. "Goodnight my baby. I love you so much." You kissed his head and watched as Taylor walked upstairs, slowly and carefully.

You turned the tv off and made sure the doors were locked before going upstairs. You stood in the doorway and watched Taylor put Carter down gently on his bed and covering him up with his favorite fuzzy blanket. She put the teddy bear she gave him the first time they met right in his arms and gently rubbed his cheek, kissing his forehead a few times before telling him that she loves him more than anything and walking out of the room. "I love your bond with him." You told Taylor as she walked inside the bedroom.

"Me too. I love you both so much." She kicked off her shoes and put her pajamas on, climbing under the covers next to you and pulling you to her chest. "Thank you for all you do, for us and for him. He missed you so much while you were away."

Taylor stroked your back. "I love being with you guys, love loving you both so much. You two mean the world to me. I'm happy to be home with him, and with you, my favorite girl in the whole world." She kissed your head and you grinned. "Goodnight, beautiful girl." You both closed your eyes and got ready to fall asleep.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now