Snowed in

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After Taylor being busy nonstop for a few months straight, you were more than excited to get away with her for a while. The past few months of Taylor's life has been filled with promo, interviews, recordings, live performances, writing more music, and meeting fans. You stayed home as she traveled around seemingly nonstop. She went from London to Europe back to London to Australia then to Japan. You couldn't even begin to imagine how exhausted Taylor was feeling. You thought she'd wanna go home after all that but instead she suggested getting away for a while, just the two of you. You obviously agreed, feeling excited to spend time with your girl again.

The first night you had arrived a little late so you and Taylor decided to have an early night, wake up bright and early, and go outside as soon as you could. The cabin that she rented out was absolutely gorgeous and you couldn't believe you get to spend an entire week there with Tay.

But when you woke up, instead of waking up to sunshine you woke up to clouds, and even more unexpectedly - snow. You could see it out the window as the flakes hit the ground. No way, not today. There was a blanket of white covering the ground, part of you feeling so disappointed but another part of you kinda loved it.

You walked over to Taylor's side of the bed and shook her shoulder and her eyes fluttered open. "What is it, darling?" She yawned, her eyes closing again making you giggle. "It snowed!" Taylor sat up in bed now wide awake. She got out of bed and joined you by the window, her arm wrapping around your waist as she pressed a couple kisses to your neck. "I'm sorry baby, I know that you had a lot you wanted to do today." "It's okay. Having a day in this gorgeous cabin with you sounds just as lovely."

"Well in that case I'll go start a fire and you go make some hot chocolate and we can cuddle by the fire for a while, sound good?" You kissed her lips and trailed off to the kitchen area while Taylor walked over to the fireplace and threw some wood in it to get it started. She walked over to the bed and grabbed a couple blankets to put on the floor and one extra one to put over the two of you once you settled in.

You walked over to where she was sitting with two mugs of hot chocolate in your hands. You handed one to Taylor and sat down in between her legs, the fire starting to burn now which made everything feel nice and cozy. "I know this isn't what you wanted to do today but I think it's nice. Are you warm?" She pressed her lips to the side of your head, smiling when you leaned your head back on her shoulder. "Taylor, it's okay, really. Yeah, you're right, it isn't what I had planned - it's so much better. Seriously, relaxing by this fire with you is so much better." She smiled and leaned your head back so she could kiss you again.

"I missed you so much y'know. I hate being away from you." "I missed you too, Tay. I'm happy you're back now. I love you and can't wait to spend the entire week here with you. No matter what we end up doing, I know it'll be amazing because I'm with you." You closed your eyes, smiling as Taylor wrapped her arm across your stomach. "I couldn't agree more. I love you so much."

You spent a majority of the day by the fire, drinking hot chocolate and staying wrapped up in Taylor's arms. You didn't move until you both decided to call it a night. You wouldn't mind spending tomorrow the exact same way.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now