ice skating

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With no plans on Taylor's off day she wanted to surprise you by taking you ice skating. problem is, you've never been skating and you've always been too afraid to try. But Taylor looked so excited you couldn't say no. 

"Ready babe?" You stared out at the frozen pond and started to think of all the things that could go wrong. "I don't know, Tay. I'm kinda nervous." Taylor frowned and grabbed your hand. "Why?" You looked away but she put her hand on your cheek to turn your face. "I've never been skating before. I'm a little nervous." You lowered your gaze to your feet as if you were ashamed.

Taylor gently tilted your chin up, her bright blue eyes locking on yours. "I won't ever let anything happen to you. If you wanna leave at anytime, you just tell me and we'll find something else to do. You're safe with me, always." She pressed her lips to your forehead and you gave her a small smile. "Okay." She grabbed your hand and held it tightly in hers. 

Once you reached the ice she slowly moved on it and with your hand in hers, that meant you moved on it too. You let out a shaky breath, a small wave of anxiety washing over you. "You're okay. I gotcha." Taylor comforted, her thumb brushing along your fingers as you slowly and carefully started to skate across the ice.

Taylor was about to tell you how proud she was of you when you suddenly slipped and fell. Taylor winced and sat down in front of you. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Lemme see your hand." She took your hand and noticed that it was slightly cut up. She felt a little guilty but then you started to laugh about it. "I can't believe that happened." Taylor began to laugh with you before looking at you seriously. "You sure you're okay? Do you wanna go do something else?" 

To her surprise, you shook your head. "C'mon Tay, you know me. I don't give up easily." Taylor grinned and kissed you softly, her lips were slightly chapped from the cold but they still felt so familiar and warm against your own. She stood up and held her hand out for you, which you gladly took. 

You soon let go of it though, and even though you ended up falling a few more times you got up each time. Taylor had never felt so proud of you. And after you finished a couple hours later, she took you out for hot chocolate to celebrate you overcoming your fear. 

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now