Your car breaks down

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This couldn't be happening. Not here, not now. You weren't in the safest part of town and you had to admit that you were a little afraid, but to make matters worse your car just broke down.

You grabbed your phone from the center console and clicked on Taylor's name, pressing the phone top your ear and feeling relief wash over you when you heard her voice.

"y/n? You okay babe?"

You twirled your hair around your fingers, a nervous habit you've recently developed. "Not really. My car broke down."

"What? Okay, what's around you?"

You opened your door and hesitantly got out, looking around to find that there wasn't too much around you.


You heard her sigh and grab her keys before a door closed.

"Okay I'm on my way. Just stay in your car until I get there. Are you close to your work?"

You had recently accepted a new job. The offer was too great to refuse, but the part of town it was in was the opposite. It made Taylor nervous. She tried to talk you out of it but you were stubborn and she knew that she knew there was no point in arguing with you when she clearly wouldn't win.

So she let you do it, standing by you and supporting you as she always does. She would always tell you to be safe because that particular town wasn't safe and she didn't want you to get hurt.

"Yeah. I'm just a couple blocks away."

"Okay. I'll see you soon."

Waiting for her was nerve-wracking. You had to admit that you felt uncomfortable the whole time.

You felt as if someone was watching you and you resisted the urge to call Taylor back because she was driving and she needed to keep her attention on that. About forty-five minutes passed and you still haven't seen her.

Just as you grabbed your phone to call her back, her car pulled up behind you. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw her getting out and walking over to the passenger side of your car before she climbed in. It was silent for a minute before she reached across the gear stick and grabbed your hand.


"I'm sorry."

She rubbed her thumb across your fingers, leaning over to kiss your cheek. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. I'm just happy you're safe. Maybe now you'll listen to me and get a new car?"

You both laughed. Your car is pretty old but your parents gave it to you so it felt sentimental. It was time to get a new one though, this isn't the first time it's broken down on you.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

Taylor let go of your hand and got out of the car. You grabbed your things before doing the same, following her back to hers.

Once you got in you heard your stomach growl, looking over at Taylor to find her laughing because she heard it too.

"Let's get you something to eat. Then we'll go home and call to have your car towed."

You nodded your head and put the seat back a little, finally feeling more comfortable and relaxed now.

"I'm gonna get a new car tomorrow."

Taylor hummed in agreement, grabbing your hand with her free one, giving it a small squeeze.

After tonight's incident, you knew it was time to get a new car.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now