rumors lead her to take up a bad habit (requested)

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The article was atrocious. You were actually in disbelief reading it. You and Taylor have had your fair share of rumors but this was the worst yet.

Taylor Swift and girlfriend y/n die in an accident

It was disgusting and so fake. These people were clearly just trying to get some attention by click-baiting people and sadly, it was working. You read through the comments section and it looked like it was all filled with panic. It was crazy how a headline could fool people to such an extent.

You tried texting Taylor since she was at the studio but you didn't get the reply you hoped for.

"I heard" was all she texted and it made you frown. But after so many rumors, it didn't surprise you that that's all she really had to say. You figured you'd just make sure she was okay when she got home later.

But when she got home you saw something you'd never expect. Taylor had a pack of cigarettes and it was clear she'd smoked more than one earlier. She sighed and opened the pack to grab another, but you pulled them out of her hands before she could.

"Give it back." You shook your head. "No. Since when do you smoke?" She groaned and tugged at her hair. "Since today! Since that stupid rumor came out. Now please give them back." You threw them in the garbage and made sure they got buried under a bunch of stuff that Taylor certainly wouldn't risk touching. "What the hell y/n?"

You took one of her hands and she tried to pull away but you managed to pull her closer instead. You moved your hands to her arms and she sighed. "Taylor this is so unlike you. I know rumors suck but you've been through them before. Why is this one bothering you so much that you feel like you need to smoke?" She stared at you so you moved your hands to cup her cheeks and she leaned into them. "They dragged you into this one. That's why this one bothers me so much."

"Oh, Tay..." She sighed. "Babe I've been through my fair share of rumors too. You know that." "But this one is different. They said we died, y/n. They said that you died... it just got me thinking of how much of a toll my job must take on you. True, I've had rumors before but you know how I feel when they come to you. You're the most important person in my life and I hate that they think they can target you with all of these nasty rumors."

You stroked her cheek. "Tay, breathe." She lowered her head and took a deep breath. "I love how protective of me you are. Trust me, I do. But you know these things come along with your job. I know they suck but I'm here with you for the long run, okay? I don't care what obstacles come our way. These rumors could never make me love you any less."

Taylor cracked a small smile and put her forehead on yours. "Have I ever told you how much I love you." You grinned and gave her a little kiss. "You've mentioned it a few times" you teased before leaning in to kiss her again, relieved that everything was okay now.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now