Secret sessions - part two (requested)

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The pizza arrived a half hour later. Taylor went downstairs to get it as you stayed upstairs in her room, trying to comprehend how this could actually be real life right now. Just thirty some hours ago you got the message from taylornation inviting you to the secret sessions and now you're alone with Taylor, sitting in her room on her bed, about to share a pizza with her. It felt surreal. You felt like you had to be dreaming. But when her hand rubbed over your arm to pull you out of your thoughts you knew it was real life.

Taylor smiled at you and sat down next to you, opening the pizza box for you to take a slice. "So y/n, how long have you been a fan for?" You started to think back to all the times she's been the only one who was truly there for you. "Quite a few years now. Not to sound cheesy or anything because I'm sure you've heard all of this before but you've helped me through a lot. You've made my loneliest moments less lonely and my darkest moments that much brighter."

Taylor smiled at you again making your heart skip a beat. "You have no idea how good it feels to hear things like that. I'm glad I've helped you through what sounds like some dark times. You're super easy to talk to y/n. It feels like I've known you my whole life." You reached for another slice of pizza at the same time she did, her hand brushing over yours making your breath catch in your throat. You grabbed your slice of pizza and pulled your hand back, not wanting to risk making Taylor uncomfortable or anything.

"So what's your favorite movie y/n?" Your heart soared every time she said your name, something about it sounded so magical and it made you feel a way you couldn't explain. "I like a lot of different movies, honestly. It's hard to choose a favorite." Taylor nodded her head, grabbing the remote from her bedside table and putting it on your lap. "You can turn one on, if you'd like." You noticed how her hands were shaking a little. "Are you okay, Taylor? You're shaking."

Taylor giggled at you adorably, looking down at the pizza box before looking back up at you a few seconds later. "That's because I'm a little nervous. I don't wanna mess this up. I really like you y/n." You blushed and stared at her. "Really?" Taylor nodded her head shyly. You suddenly made a move and grabbed her soft hand in yours. "I-Is this okay?" "Yeah. It's good."

You turned on a movie on Netflix, laying back against the comfortable pillows on Taylor's bed as she got up to put the pizza box on a table on the other side of the room. She laid down on the other side of the bed, reaching for your hand and slowly wrapping it in hers. Only a few words were spoken during the movie, both of you feeling so content with each other that you didn't feel like you needed to say anything.

You ended up watching a couple more movies, only stopping because time had suddenly flown by and it was now close to four am. "I should probably head home." "Let me call you an uber" she muttered, reaching for her phone with her free hand as she called for an uber for you. She walked downstairs with you, sitting on the steps on her porch as you waited for the driver to get there. "Can I see you again sometime?" Taylor whispered, her eyes filled with hope, lighting up when you said yes. You handed her your phone so she could put her number in as you did the same on hers. The uber arrived just a couple minutes later and before you walked away, Taylor caught your wrist in her hands. She leaned in to softly kiss your cheek, watching as you blushed again and pulled away a few seconds later.

"Thanks again for the amazing day, Tay. I'll talk to you later?" "Yeah. I'll call you later." She muttered before you got in the car and rode home. Taylor stared at your number in your phone, already ready to see you again.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now