you fight then get in an accident (requested)

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You and Taylor have never had an argument so intense before. You're both getting caught up in the heat of the moment and it's getting the best of you both. It's making your words harsher and they cut deep.

You said something that you didn't mean, something you'd never mean or say if it weren't for the heat of the moment, but it just came out. It was followed by the most heartbreaking thing Taylor has ever said to you.

"I wish I'd never met you!"

You gasped and tears stung your eyes and it felt like you couldn't breathe. "Y/n I-" she went to apologize but you grabbed your keys from the counter and ran out the door and to your car. Taylor was just running outside when you pulled out of the driveway and drove away as fast as you could.

Your vision was blurry as you drove down the road. It was quiet and dark, and you realized then that you had left your phone at home. You planned on pulling over to catch your breath and calm down when you saw a car run a stop sign and it crashed right into you.

Everything went black. You lost consciousness right away. The next thing you knew someone was slightly shaking your shoulder and asking for you to wake up. You opened your eyes and saw that it was a paramedic. He was franic, begging you not to move but to keep your eyes open. "I need you to stay awake for me, okay?" He said as they loaded you in the back of the ambulance.

Things were getting fuzzy and all you could think about was Taylor. "Taylor..." you whispered, your voice too weak to speak any louder. "Is that your girlfriend?" You could only nod your head in response before your eyes were closing again and you, once again, lost consciousness.

You woke up to the sound of sobbing coming from next to you. A hand was tightly holding yours and you could feel tears hit your skin. You opened your eyes to a white room and the sound of a constant beeping noise. You noticed there was an iv in your hand before you looked to your right to find Taylor sitting next to you. Her face was resting on your intertwined hands as she cried, hard. Every sob was painful to hear.

You gathered all the strength you had to give her hand a small squeeze. She looked up at you and let out a small chuckle when she saw that you were okay. "Baby? Oh thank god you're awake!" She carefully put her arms around your shoulder and rested her head on your chest, sobbing when she heard the steady sound of your heartbeat thudding against her ear, something she feared she wouldn't hear anymore after your accident.

"What happened?" Taylor brushed her palm against your cheek and pressed a few kisses to your face. "You got in accident. A really bad one. They couldn't keep you conscious and they thought that..." Taylor couldn't finish that sentence. Tears streamed down her face and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "But you're okay. I'm so happy you're okay."

You bit your lip. The fight from earlier playing in your mind again. "Are we okay?" Taylor chuckled nervously, her thumb swiping across your lip so you'd release it from between your teeth. "Of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?"

"I just thought that... since we had that fight earlier-" Taylor shook her head and shushed you softly. "I know." She couldn't shake the guilt she was feeling. She said something she didn't mean and then you got in an accident. She felt like she was responsible. The blame was all on her.

"Taylor?" A tear fell from her eye before she sobbed loudly and broke down. "It's my fault. You wouldn't be here right now if i didn't say... what I said to you." You took her hand on yours and kissed it softly. "No, Tay. It's not your fault. It'll never be your fault."

She wanted to believe you, but she couldn't shake the guilt she felt. "I'm supposed to protect you. I didn't do that tonight. You got in that accident because of what I said. I caused you to run out y/n, it's my fault."

It hurt, but you managed to lift your arm up enough to wrap it around her neck to pull her closer. "Taylor listen to me. It's not your fault. I know you'd never mean that, it was just the heat of the moment. We both said stuff we didn't mean. It'll never be your fault." Taylor sniffled, leaning down to kiss you tenderly.

"I love you. So much. I'm so happy you're okay." You scooted across the bed just a little to make just enough room for her to climb in next to you. "Will you cuddle with me? I need you to hold me." Taylor kicked off her shoes and climbed on the bed right away.

She gently pulled you to her chest, carefully avoiding coming in contact with any of the wires that you were connected to. She looked down to find that you had fallen asleep and she moved her hand under your hospital gown to rub your back. "I love you so much. Nothing's gonna take you from my side." She promised. After today, she never planned to let you go.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now