she defends you

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The creep wouldn't leave you alone. They keep offering to buy you a drink and despite the fact that you've told them no every single time, they still won't take a hint.

You started to feel unsafe; like maybe this creep was gonna take things too far and the thought of that made your stomach turn. The creep was about to ask you yet again if you wanted a drink when a voice was heard from behind you. "She said no."

You looked back at the woman who was suddenly defending you. "I think you need to take a hint. She looks like she's not interested, pal." The man stood there in front of you, his demeanor changing from creepy to slightly frightened, but he was trying to act tough, even though he was failing miserably. "What'd you say?" The creep took a few steps closer to Taylor, looking back at you to see you trying to hide the little smirk on your face. "I said you need to take a hint. Look at her. She is clearly not flattered, in fact she looks really uncomfortable. I say it's time for you to go. Leave her alone."

She wasn't afraid of him. She stood her ground, standing up to the creep for you, because even though she didn't know you she still knew you didn't deserve to be treated like this. The guy took a couple steps closer to her, staring at her for a moment before huffing and grabbing his jacket and storming out of the bar.

"Are you okay?" You nodded your head at the woman who had defended you. She now stood in front of you, her hand on your shoulder to make sure that you were really okay. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you so much for helping me uh...?" "I'm Taylor." She held her hand out for you to shake. "Y/n." Taylor smiled at you and looked at the available seat next to you. "Mind if I sit? I mean, if i'm making you feel uncomfortable you can tell me and i'll leave you alone, I swear." You giggled as Taylor rambled on and on. "It's okay. You can sit." Taylor took a seat and ordered a drink.

"Are you sure you're okay? That guy looked wasted and you looked so uncomfortable." You looked up from the drink you ordered and saw Taylor staring at you, her eyes roaming your face as if she was searching for a sign that you'd been physically hurt or that you were still uncomfortable. "I'm okay, Taylor, I promise. Yeah he was creepy but i'm all good, thanks to you."

Taylor smiled at you and your heart skipped a beat when you saw her smile, when you truly took a second to admire it. Her smile was beautiful. She was beautiful. "You alright y/n?" She asked you and you jumped when you snapped out of your daze. "Yeah, I'm good." "Tell me about yourself." She whispered softly, both of you staring at each other like nothing else in the world existed.

You spent a good twenty minutes telling her about yourself; about all of your interests and hobbies, the things you loved and some things you hated. It was like you couldn't stop. She was so easy to talk to. "Sorry for going on and on about myself." Taylor laughed and shook her head at you. "Don't be. It's nice getting to know you y/n." You chuckled and sipped on your drink. "Thanks again for defending me Taylor." Taylor looked up at you from her drink, looking at you with a smile that made your heart race. "No need to thank me y/n. I'm just happy I was able to help you."

You grabbed your wallet and placed a couple dollars on the table, nodding towards the bartender to let him know that you had tipped him a couple dollars before you sighed and pursed your lips. "Well I should get going. Thanks again Taylor." You felt Taylor grab your hand but when you looked at her she pulled it back in fear that she was coming on too strong. "Do you maybe wanna go out sometime?"

You tried to hide your smile but it was nearly impossible. "I'd love that." Taylor relaxed at your words, her eyes lighting up when you said that. She handed you her phone and you entered your number in it. "I'll see you soon Taylor. By the way, i kinda liked you holding my hand." You winked at her before walking out of the bar as Taylor sat there smiling like crazy. She couldn't stop. She saw something really special in you and she thanked her lucky stars that she came here tonight when she did.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now