Enochlophobia - fear of crowds

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You looked out the window of the huge crowd of fans that were waiting for Taylor to come outside. You were tagging along with her today; she had a few interviews and wanted you to come with her, but neither of you expected this big of a crowd to be waiting for her to come outside.

You have a huge fear of crowds; the screaming, the shoving, the pushing and pulling that everyone always did to even just catch a glimpse of Taylor is overwhelming at times. Taylor walked up behind you and put her hand on your back. "It'll be okay. I'll hold your hand the whole time. We're just going from here to the car, okay?" You took a deep breath and nodded your head, but your nerves were still eating you up inside.

She grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers. The door opened and the sound of screams filled your ears. Security was in front of Taylor and behind you but you still felt people grabbing you from the side. Some fans were shoving their phones in your face and you felt like everything was going in slow motion. It became hard to breathe and you squeezed Taylor's hand to let her know that something was wrong. She squeezed your hand back and you could faintly hear her voice but it was hard to hear exactly what she was saying with everyone screaming in your ears as you walked by.

You finally made it to the car and Taylor had you get in first. She sat down next to you and put her hand on your back. As soon as the door closed you tried to catch your breath. Taylor rubbed your back, telling you to take some deep breaths and that it was over now. "You're okay y/n, it's okay, it's over now. You're safe, i've got you."

The feeling of her hand on your back and her voice in your ear was helping to calm down and as soon as you started moving you felt like you could breathe again. "Better?" Taylor whispered and you reached out to grab her hand. "Yeah. Thank you for being here with me." Taylor smiled and stroked your cheek, pressing her lips against it to leave a few kisses across your skin. "Of course, anytime darling."

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now