big sibling (requested)

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You watched Carter from the kitchen as he laughed along to his favorite cartoon. You and Taylor have some really exciting news to share with him when she gets home and you're feeling a little nervous about it.

You and Taylor tried every option of trying to have a baby for the longest time but for so long nothing seemed to work, until you tried your last option just a couple months ago and it finally seemed to work. You're both so excited about it and you've waited a while to share the news with Carter until you had a picture to show him and yesterday you happened to get that, and now there's nothing keeping you from telling him anymore.

Carter has been asking you and Taylor about being a big sibling for a while but you and Taylor never knew how to answer, because you were both trying as hard as you could but it felt like nothing was working. Carter was a little sad every time you'd both tell him "maybe, soon." But it was never the answer he hoped for. So when you found out, all you could think about was how happy he was gonna be.

You heard the front door open and close and in walked Taylor. You snapped out of your thoughts and watched as Taylor went to Carter and gave him a kiss on his head, looking over at you and smiling at you. She held her hand out signaling for you to come over. You sat down on the floor next to them, stroking Carter's back as he giggled over what was happening on tv.

You and Taylor shared a look before you grabbed the remote and paused the tv making Carter look at you with a confused expression. "We can turn it back on in just a few minutes, alright? But first we have some exciting news to share with ya." Taylor spoke and ran her hand through his hair, taking your hand in her free one and giving it an encouraging squeeze.

You grabbed the picture from your pocket and handed it to Carter, watching as he studied it closely. He was quiet until he started to realize what it was and all he could do was gasp in awe and shock.

"You're gonna be a big brother." You said and Carter climbed on to your lap, throwing his arms around your neck as he cheered and shrieked against your skin. He's been wanting this for so long and he's so overjoyed to finally get to be a big brother. "Really?" He asked, holding eye contact with you as he smiled like crazy. "Yeah really!" He kissed your cheek sloppily before crawling on to Taylor's lap and giving her a big squeeze. "Okay, but are you happy about it, buddy?" Taylor joked and poked at Carter's sides, both of you grinning at the sound of his cute little laugh that echoed around the room. "Can't wait!" He screamed excitedly and crawled back on your lap.

The rest of the night was spent talking about what he hoped the baby would be as he threw around random names, ones that you knew you'd never be able to actually name the baby, but it was so nice to see him so happy and so excited. It would definitely be an exciting journey.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now