she cheats (requested)

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Your heart dropped when you saw the photos on your tv screen.

Taylor was on tour at the moment but you've been talking everyday since she left. You thought she missed you as much as you miss her but looking at the photos on your tv, you thought differently now.

There were pictures of her kissing another girl. There was no way they could be photoshopped. They were most definitely real and through the blur of the tears in your eyes, you saw Taylor's name pop up on your phone screen.

You declined the call. You had too much to process. You had nothing to say to her right now. If you answered, you'd explode, and you didn't want that. You turned off the tv and then your phone before you started pacing your apartment. You tried to go over all the possibilities of why she'd cheat but none of them made sense. It wasn't long before you broke down. You felt embarrassed. Ashamed. Upset. Hurt. Foolish. You felt betrayed.

There was a knock on your door and your head shot up. You ignored it, thinking that it was a crazed fan that somehow found your address or maybe a friend, but your heart sunk when you heard Taylor's voice.

"Y/n? Y/n I know you're there. I can see your car in the lot. Please open up. Please let me explain." You rolled your eyes, scoffing over the fact that she had the nerve to show up here. "Y/n please." You heard her voice crack and you tried to fight the urge; the urge to get up and answer the door and run into her arms. You wanted that more than anything, but you couldn't get that.

Ten minutes passed by and you haven't heard her say anything else yet. You thought she left. But then you heard her sniffles and the sound of her sobbing and despite how much she hurt you, the sound of her crying only hurt you more. You stood up and walked over to the door, but you didn't open it. You just lightly tapped on it. It was a way of letting Taylor know you heard her without you having to say a word.

"Y/n!" You heard her say, a sigh of relief leaving escaping. "You should go."

It was all you could say. You heard her sob again. "No, please let me explain y/n. That girl means nothing to me. I know that sounds like a cheesy excuse but I promise you that I mean it. I don't know what happened. I swear I'd never hurt you like that y/n. You have to believe me." The tears streamed down your face and you bit your lip hard enough to draw blood. "But you did, Taylor. You did hurt me. How could you do this? how could you cheat on me? After everything we've been through together. I've loved you for almost two years now... I thought you loved me too."

"I do y/n-" "No. you don't. I think you just need to leave. Please Taylor. If you ever really loved me, you'll leave."

You heard her sob once more before she left. And just like that, she was gone.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now