what she loves most about you

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1. Your smile - Your smile was the first thing she noticed about you and she loves seeing you smile. She'd do whatever it took to get you to smile. When you were having a bad day, she'd poke your cheeks or your nose and it made you giggle and smile and she loved it everytime. There wasn't nothing she wouldn't do for you and espicially if it would make you smile.

2. Your selflessness - you have the biggest and purest heart she's ever seen. You always tried to hold the door for her as well as random strangers, and she could see the way your eyes lit up when someone thanked you for doing something kind for them. It made her feel good to see you feeling good and being so kind to people.

3. How you always look for the good in others - it's one of her favorite things about you, precisely because when some people can't find the good in others, you always try to find it. You never give up on others and believe that there's good in everyone. Some people might see you as naive for that but you don't care. You believe almost everyone has good inside them, some you just have to dig a little deeper to find.

4. How determined and ambitious you are - Taylor noticed this pretty early on in your relationship. Once you set your mind to something, you don't stop till you get it, and Taylor absolutely loves that. Your drive and determination to reach your own goals and get your own dreams made her fall even deeper in love with you.

5. How much you genuinely care about her and love her - possibly her favorite thing about you is knowing that at the end of the day you genuinely love her. She loves knowing that through all the craziness that her job and life brings, you're on her side 100%. She knows she can count on you for anything and that you'll never judge her. Most of all, she loves loving you. She loves being able to call you hers and she loves being able to kiss you and hold you in her arms, to love on you. And she loves knowing that you love her just as much as she loves you.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now