Running away together

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She just wanted to get away. from all the hate and the rumors. She just wanted to get away from it all, with you.

She was wide awake, the time around two am and she was so frustrated. She looked over at you and watched you sleep for a few minutes, running her hand across your side and deciding then that she wanted to just get away with you for a while.

So she quietly got out of bed and grabbed both your suitcases from the closet, packing the clothes she knows you love to wear the most along with some necessities before packing hers up too.

She grabbed both your phones, toothbrushes, phone chargers, passports, and a few other random things before going back over to you.

"y/n wake up." She whispered, shaking your shoulder and you opened your eyes a few seconds later.

"Tay? What's going on?" You sat up and turned on the lamp, looking at her with wide eyes when you saw the two packed suitcases and a small bag beside them.

"Let's just get away for a while, baby. Just the two of us. Things have been so stressful lately, let's just getaway."

You had to admit you were a little nervous but something in Taylor's eyes convinced you to go. You trust her with everything in you so you know whatever happens, you'll be safe with her, wherever you go.

You got out of bed and grabbed a couple of blankets and pillows before you followed Taylor down to the car.

You were still in your pajamas but it wasn't even three in the morning so you didn't care. Taylor pulled both your phones out of the bag, handing you yours which you placed in your lap and Taylor plugged hers into the aux, the playlist filled with all of your favorite songs filling the speakers.

Taylor handed you one of your pillows and covered you up with a warm blanket before she kissed the side of your head and started to drive.

"Where are we going?"

She looked back at you and smiled, grabbing one of your hands in yours while she kept the other on the steering wheel. "Anywhere you wanna go baby. You name it, we'll go."

You giggled and thought carefully about it for a few seconds before answering her. "Let's just drive for a while."

She nodded her head and you closed your eyes, leaning back against the seat with your head on your pillow while you held her hand.

You woke up a few hours later and the sun was starting to rise. Taylor looked over at you and smiled.

"Hey, sleeping beauty. Have a good rest?"

You both giggled and you leaned over to kiss her cheek.

"Where are we at?"

Taylor shrugged her shoulders and you rolled your eyes playfully. "I'm not sure, babe. I've just been driving."

You smiled and rolled your window down, taking in the sights as they came. It felt like only a few hours later when the sun started to set and you and Taylor decided to pull over at a hotel for the night.

You grabbed the most important things from the car while Taylor book a room for a night. It felt great when your back hit that mattress.

You looked outside the window and saw there was a beach across from the hotel. You convinced Taylor to go for a walk along the beach and you even picked up some seashells along the way!

You weren't quite sure what this time would hold for you and Taylor but you were so excited to find out.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now