in this together (requested)

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You haven't been feeling the best lately so you decided you'd try something new. One of your friends suggested trying an extractor juicer. At first, you were excited to try it, but now you're regretting trying it.

It was horrid. The taste was nauseating, making you gag every time you took a sip. You didn't think there was any way you could successfully drink this, even if it'd make you feel better. The taste was just too unbearable.

Taylor knows you've been wanting to be a little healthier and she's been watching you become very discouraged. "You gotta keep trying, darling. It'll be worth it. You can do it." She was trying to coax you into it, trying to encourage you and help you feel a little better about doing it. But you couldn't do it.

"No. It's awful, Taylor. I can't." Taylor rubbed your back and looked at the juicer. "What about if I do it with you?" She rubbed your arms up and down and watched a little smile tug at your lips. "You'd really do that for me? Taylor, it's repugnant." She sighed and reached for the cup filled with the juice you've been trying to sip on for the past hour.

"Babe it's important to you. I know you haven't really been feeling like yourself lately and you've been wanting to be healthier, so yeah. It's worth it to me if me helping you will motivate you to do it." She promised, rubbing your back and pulling the cup up towards her lips.

But her opinion changed when she got a whiff of the smell. She closed her eyes and set the cup back on the counter. "Bad, isn't it?" Taylor cleared her throat and shook her head. "No. I can do it." She grabbed the cup and bravely took a couple of sips. It took all of her willpower to not spit it all out. She drank most of what was left in the glass before putting it down in front of you.

She scrunched her nose up, wanting to desperately rid the nasty taste from her mouth but she wasn't sure what would get rid of it. "Tay, you really didn't have to do that." She opened her eyes and reached for your hands. "I know. But I know me doing it with you will help you. You're my girl, and I know that I say I'd do anything for you, but I always mean it. We're in this together. Drink the rest. You can do it. I believe in you."

She kissed your cheek, and with the encouragement from her, you knew that you could do it. You picked up the cup and closed your eyes, drinking what little remained in the cup until it was empty. "See baby? You did it. I'm proud of you!" She put her hands on your sides and pressed her lips to yours. She pulled back a few seconds later with a smile on her face. "So, you're gonna do this with me every day from now on, right?" Taylor groaned and leaned her head on your shoulder causing you to laugh.

She joined in before kissing you once more. "Like I said. For you - I'll do anything."

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now