protective (requested)

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You stood backstage waiting for your call to go on. You've been singing for as long as you could remember and tonight you get to perform at the amas.

You're a little nervous about your performance tonight. Your reputation has always painted you as an innocent, which is pretty close to your personal image, but tonight you wanted to take things up a notch and be a little more risque.

You were a little more nervous than usual because Taylor, your longtime girlfriend, was front row in the audience. She's the most supportive person in your life, your biggest cheerleader, and no one loves you more than she does. But she hasn't seen this performance. You kept everything hidden, not giving her any hints or letting her attend rehearsals, which should've been her first hint considering you never keep things hidden from her.

You could hear the crowd screaming as the adrenaline washed through you. The lights came on and you took a few deep breaths as you heard people calling your name. You walked out on stage and grinned at Taylor, but it quickly turned into a smirk as your edgier outfit was revealed.

You watched Taylor's eyes turn a little darker when she got a good look at you. You kept your eyes on her for a majority of the performance, only otherwise making eye contact with the cameras as they panned around you to give a little more of an intimidating factor. You made sure to, as you always do, pour your heart and soul out in the performance because even though you were going for something edgier, you still are more passionate than anything else.

It seemed like it all passed quicker than normal. The three minute and thirty second song flying by quick with all the adrenaline coming over you. Your heart was pounding but in the best way and you felt like you were in a daze when you finished.

Taylor, for one, was more shocked than anyone else. The usual sense of pride that she always has for you made her cheer and scream louder than anyone else in that room ever could. But you could see it in her eyes; the slight look of lust that she was attempting to hide but was failing at doing so.

You're not the most innocent person behind closed doors. If anyone knows that, it's her. But this wasn't the time or place to be looking at you like this and feeling the way she does, and yet she couldn't help herself.

She walked backstage, completely ignoring the cheers from certain celebrities and fans that were still in awe of you and your performance. She went back to your dressing room, opening and closing the door just in time to find you in the second dress you were gonna wear, the one for the award show and the afterparty.

"Hey Tay!" You were happy, adrenaline still coming over you in a sense that you've never felt before. She walked up behind you and wrapped her arms around you, her breath fanning across your neck sending a chill down your spine. "Baby... what was that?"

She wasn't mad. You could sense it. She'd never be mad at you for taking a more risque and sexy approach for your art. That was your choice and she'd stand by you every step of the way. She wasn't mad. "I wanted to try something different. You didn't like it?" You teased. You already knew the answer. She turned you around and started to brush her thumb across your cheek. "Now who said I didn't like it? Just a little... warning, would've been nice."

You giggled, your cheeks going red as her lips started to drag across your cheek. "I wanted to surprise you." Taylor laughed, her nose brushing the tip of yours as she playfully gave you an eskimo kiss. "Oh, trust me darling, I was very surprised." You smiled, looking down at your painted toenails as you slid your heels on, Taylor making sure to keep a grip on you so you wouldn't fall.

"You know whatever you do I'll support you one hundred percent. You're my girl. You make me so proud in all that you do." She rubbed her hand up and down your back. "You wanna go back out there?" She asked, kissing the part of your shoulder that was exposed by your dress. You nodded your head and she took your hand, leading you out of your dressing room and out to your seats.

When you reached them you stayed standing up. Her arms wrapped around you as she clung to you; the cameras that surrounded you didn't matter to her one bit at that moment. She was feeling extra protective of you tonight.

She saw them; the gazes from the fans and celebrities that couldn't take their eyes off of you. the ones that were a little too into your performance. She didn't care about the thousands of people surrounding you or the thousands of cameras that were definitely pointed at you both; people taking photos and videos of what they thought was a lovey-dovey moment, and was, but was more of Taylor in protective mode.

"Tay? You okay?" You asked as her lips brushed lightly across the back of your neck. She looked around. She saw people looking at you, enthusiastic as they whispered back and forth to each other about you. She couldn't stop herself. She was deep in protective mode, not liking the way people were eyeing you or whispering back and forth to each other about you. She saw a few of them look away as soon as they noticed that Taylor was glaring at them, and because she's proud to call you her girl and she knew that she was lucky as can be, she couldn't help but smile as she felt a little wave of pride come over her. 

"Beautiful girl, I'm doing perfectly. How about you?" She said cheekily as her fingers poked your sides causing a small giggle to leave your lips. "yeah, i'm good." Taylor kissed your cheek, inhaling the scent of your perfume that was all along your skin.

She was so in love with you she couldn't even begin to describe it. She knew she was lucky. Watching you become so confident in yourself and your abilities was something that brought her an endless amount of happiness. She'd always support you in whatever it is that you do, even if it makes her have to give others a little evil eye to remind them that she's the one that's lucky enough to get to love you every. single. day. It was worth it. You're worth it.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now