your favorite band pulls you on stage (requested)

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Taylor kept her hands over your eyes as she guided you inside the venue. Tonight is date night and your favorite band - The Offspring - is in town, so she wanted to surprise you with front row seats to see them.

"No peeking" she reminded you. You heard beeping and screaming from what sounded like thousands upon thousands of people. "Taylor? Where are we? I thought we were gonna go get some dinner." Taylor just laughed and continued to walk you inside until you were near your seats. "Okay. You can look now, darling." She pulled her hands away from your face and heard you gasp when you saw the name on the screen. "No way! We're really seeing The Offspring? How did you manage to do this? I thought they sold out."

Taylor wrapped her arms around you. "I have my ways." You pressed a sweet kiss to her lips and pulled away with the biggest smile on your face. "You're so cute when you're excited," Taylor said as she rubbed your back and took a seat to rest her legs after standing for so long.

They came out on stage shortly after that. Taylor had her arm wrapped around you as you sang along to every word. But then, they wanted to pull one lucky fan on stage with them to help them with a song. Taylor, of course, started to point to you. "You. Come on up here."

They looked right at you when they spoke but just to be safe you pointed to yourself. "Me?" They laughed but nodded. "Go baby go." Taylor encouraged, gently pushing you up on the stage. They reached out to grab your hand to help you up the steps. You could hear the crowd screaming, but you mostly heard Taylor screaming excitedly for you.

You looked out at the crowd with a look of amazement. It's not the first time you've stepped foot on a stage. Taylor always likes to bring you up when she rehearses, but this is the first time you've been on stage in front of an audience.

"Hi. What's your name?" You looked at Dexter with wide eyes. "Y/n." "It's nice to meet you y/n. Who'd you come here with tonight?" You pointed to Taylor. "My girlfriend, Taylor." Taylor blushed but waved. The band instantly recognized her and waved back at her. "Oh yeah, we know Taylor. What brings you guys here tonight?" You bit your lip a little nervously. "It's our date night." You heard the crowd scream and it made you giggle. Well, thank you so much for coming here for your date night! Are you ready to sing with us?" You nodded your head as they began to play your favorite song.

You sang along to every word. A little nervously and quietly at first, but when you looked out at Taylor and saw her singing along with you, you began to let loose and soon enough there was no stopping you. Halfway through, Dexter gave you his guitar and slid the strap over your shoulder as everyone started to sing along with you.

It was all so surreal and you truly didn't think it could get any better. But it did. The song ended and Dexter looked at you before ushering up one of the guards and asking them for a marker. He signed the guitar for you and had all the other members sign it too. Your hands were shaking from all the adrenaline coursing through your veins. You understood now how Taylor feels every time she's up on stage.

"You go ahead and keep that, okay?" You gasped, your jaw dropping a bit as Taylor cheered loudly for you. "Thank you." You ran down the steps and took the guitar off of your shoulder so you could hug Taylor tightly. "You crushed it, beautiful girl. I'm so proud of you!" She twirled you around in her arms making you laugh. "I'm shaking. I'm so happy."

Taylor put your feet back on the ground and wrapped her arms around you. She hooked her fingers under your chin and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. "I'm so happy that you're happy baby. I'm so proud of you!" You turned around and watched the band with a look of amazement while Taylor stood behind you with her arms around you and her chin resting on your shoulder.

She couldn't think of anyone else who deserved that opportunity more than you. And seeing you so happy made her the happiest.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now