Sleepy but can't sleep

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You were so overwhelmed. It's been over three hours since you went to bed and you were completely exhausted, but you couldn't seem to fall asleep no matter what you did.

You've been tossing and turning, trying not to wake Taylor up who was sleeping peacefully next to you. She had a really long day and she needed her sleep.

You continued to stare up at the ceiling like you've been doing for a while now.

You were starting to get a little anxious just laying there so you thought you'd get up to grab some water; but as soon as the mattress shifted, an arm pulled you back down on the bed.

You felt Taylor tangle her legs with yours and it made you giggle.

"Where do you think you're going?" She mumbled sleepily in your ear and you shivered as her breath fanned over your earlobe.

"To get some water. I can't sleep."

She opened her eyes and rubbed them. "Why not? I thought you were tired earlier."

You shrugged and Taylor sighed, pulling you so your back was against her chest.

"Is something on your mind, darling?"

You shook your head and Taylor kissed your shoulder.

"Okay then. Just relax."

You felt her kiss behind your ear and you closed your eyes. You stayed like that for a few minutes until you got frustrated again and whined, feeling like you were never gonna fall asleep.


She hummed in your ear and you giggled quietly when her breath hit your neck.

"Can you sing to me? Maybe that'll help me fall asleep."

"Sure, baby."

She started softly singing in your ear and you closed your eyes, breathing a sigh of contentment.

She stopped singing here and there to peek over your shoulder to see if you or awake or asleep. When she peeked over and watched the steady rise and fall of your chest, she knew you were finally asleep.

"Goodnight baby. I love you. Have some sweet dreams." She buried her face in your neck and joined you in dreamland, ready to wake up in just a few hours to your bright eyes and a big smile.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now