she really likes you but you're hesitant to date her - part two (requested)

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It's been a few days since you agreed to go out with Taylor. You haven't been able to stop thinking about that kiss that you shared. It felt as if in that moment everything had fallen into place, and you were hoping you'd be able to do it again soon.

You haven't seen Taylor since that night but she's been calling and texting you every night. Her hectic schedule was making it hard to plan a night out with you, so she decided to surprise you instead with a nice, quiet night in. When she suggested that, you were on board right away. She didn't exactly say what the night would consist of but you've been excited about it since she texted you about it.

You arrived at her house. The front door was unlocked and when you first stepped inside it was dark and silent, but when you walked into the kitchen the most beautiful awaited you. There were candles covering the kitchen table, two plates of your favorite food across from each other. Soft, romantic music played in the background and you stared at everything in awe. A pair of arms wrapped around your waist and you giggled as Taylor nuzzled her face in your neck. "Hey cutie." She whispered and kissed your cheek.

"Hi Tay. What's all this?" She blushed and bit her lip, trying to hide the little grin that was creeping up. "I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to make our first official date really special. Is it too much?" She was suddenly worried, a little frown now replacing her grin. You shook your head and grabbed her hands. "No, not at all. It's sweet. It's just that no one's ever really done anything like this for me before." Taylor smiled and kissed your cheek sweetly. "Well you better get used to this, beautiful. Now that you're my girlfriend i'm gonna be spoiling you every chance I get. Be prepared for more dates like this."

That made you break out in a goofy grin. Your past relationships have all fizzled out because none of them ever wanted to do anything romantic, but Taylor was different, and you wondered to yourself why you didn't decide to go out with her sooner.

Taylor helped you in your chair before going across and sitting down in hers. She reached for one of your hands, lightly running her thumb along your knuckles. The dinner was incredible. You've always loved eating this particular food, but the way Taylor made it made it all taste even better. After dinner she led you into the living room. She sat on the couch next to you, at first being a little cautious to make a move, suddenly feeling a little nervous. But she eventually worked up the nerve and slung her arm around your shoulders.

But you took it all a step further and rested your head on her shoulder, smiling widely as she wrapped her arm around your side. It was quiet but comfortable. Everything felt so peaceful and so calm. With Taylor all of your stresses and anxiety was washed away, your mind only able to focus on the amazing woman who had you wrapped up in her arms and would periodically place kisses to your skin.

"You know something? I'm so happy you agreed to this. I've liked you for the longest time and to have you here in my arms now, everything i've ever gone through feels so worth it. You make me so happy, and I don't know what I did so right to deserve this, but i'm really happy I did it." She whispered as she ran her hand up and down your back.

You lifted your head and beamed at her, the smile on your face bigger than it's ever been before. You kissed her, humming at the feeling of her lips being back on yours again. Everything you've ever wanted, ever dreamed of, was right in front of you at this very moment and you couldn't be happier. Ever word you wanted to say was expressed through that kiss and Taylor knew it. So when you pulled away, speechless but smiling still, she already knew exactly how you felt at that moment.

And she was exactly right. All the things you've been through in the past, with life and relationships, was all so worth it now, and you'd do it all over again and again, if it means you get to be with her every single time.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now