Spill your guts or fill your guts - part two (requested)

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You woke up the next morning with Taylor sleeping next to you. Her arm was wrapped around your waist and her face was buried in your neck, her breath fanned across your skin and it sent chills down your spine. 

It was early, you knew that because the sun wasn't fully up yet, only just barely starting to rise. You didn't care though. It might be early but that only meant more time with Taylor.


Your girlfriend. 

Your girlfriend.

It was now officially out for the world to know and you felt so relieved. You didn't feel like something was constantly weighing you down anymore. You felt free.

You felt Taylor stir next to you, her arm moving from your waist to your stomach as she mumbled something incoherent. You wiggled out of her grip and turned on your side to face her, smiling at the sight of her sleeping like an angel. This has to be heaven. How did you manage to get so lucky? 

"I can feel you staring at me." She mumbled, her eyes still closed. 

You giggled and kissed her forehead, brushing some hair behind her ear. "Sorry. You just look so beautiful. Like an angel." 

Her cheeks turned red and it made you giggle again. 

"I love you so much, Tay. It's so nice that we don't have to hide anything anymore." 

She opened her eyes, yawning, and stretching out her limbs. "I love you too. Wonder what's going on in the media." She yawned again and you shrugged, rolling over and grabbing your phone from the nightstand. 

"Should we check?" She tugged you closer and wrapped her arms around your waist again. 

"Maybe check Instagram? Or tumblr. I'm more interested in how the fans are reacting." You opened Instagram and went to Taylor's profile, loading up her tags, and not at all surprisingly, found them filled with screenshots of articles about the night before as well as videos of you and Taylor confessing your relationship. You scrolled through some of them, reading some of the captions by the fans. They were mostly all positive, only a few negative here and there.

"I'm so proud of Taylor and y/n for coming out about their relationship. I'm happy they don't feel like they need to hide anymore." 

Taylor turned her head and kissed your cheek. 

"Me too. It feels great not having to hide. Like that post?" 

You double tapped it and continued to scroll down, rarely encountering negative comments or posts and when you did, you both simply ignored it. You opened Tumblr on Taylor's account to find it was pretty much the same. Taylor saw a few posts that she especially loved and reblogged some of them, giggling at a few adorable gifs that fans attached to their posts. 

"I love that Taylor is so confident in herself. I hope that she feels truly free now."

Taylor grabbed the phone from your hands and locked it, rolling on her side so she could be eye to eye with you. 

"I feel so free y/n. It's so nice seeing all of their incredible posts, I told you that they'd accept us. I feel like we don't have to hide anymore. I say we go out today, maybe see a movie or go out and grab a bite to eat. But first, it's only six am, I say we go back to sleep for a while." 

You nodded and moved your head to her chest. "I love you" you mumbled, closing your eyes, ready to go back to sleep. "I love you so much y/n. Sleep tight." She truly felt happier and freer than ever before. 

All thanks to you. 

She closed her eyes, falling back asleep with you securely wrapped in her arms sleeping soundly.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now