she wakes up and you're not next to her

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She shot up in bed, gasping for air and trying to slow her heart rate as the anxiety from the nightmare she had continued to linger. She reached out for you and started to panic when she was met with the feeling of cold sheets instead of your warm body. "Y/n? Y/n! Y/n!?" She screamed, she was about to get out of bed to look for you when you ran into the bedroom.


You ran over to the bed and sat down on it, pulling on her arm for her to come closer to you. She jumped into your arms, her hands moving all over your body to be sure that you were really there and that you were okay because, in her nightmare, you weren't. 

"Taylor, what's wrong? What happened?" 

You cupped her cheeks with your hands and she blew out a deep breath. She leaned into your hand and closed her eyes, her hands going to rest over yours. 

"I had a nightmare. You got hurt and I couldn't save you and then I woke up and you weren't here and I thought-" 

"Shh hey. Take a breath. I'm here and I'm okay. It was just a bad dream." 

She opened her eyes to look at you, a few tears stinging her eyes and she bit her lip to hold them back. You ran your thumb across her bottom lip and she stopped biting it, a sob leaving her lips though she tried to hold it back. You ran your hands up and down her arms and whispered sweet words in her ear. 

"It's okay, Tay. It was all just a bad dream."

You laid back on the bed and pulled Taylor down with you, her head resting on your stomach and her hands reaching out to grab yours. 

For the next few minutes, you let her cry everything out. She started to calm down, only small whimpers filled the room periodically instead of the gut-wrenching sounds of her sobs. 

"I love you y/n. So damn much. You know I'll always protect you, right?" 

You could tell she was still thinking back to her nightmare. She needed you to know that she'd always protect you. 

"Of course I do, Tay. I love you too. Now close your eyes and try to go back to sleep. I'll be right here with you the whole time." 

You ran your hands through her hair. She closed her eyes, the sensation of your nails lightly scratching her scalp made her feel at ease. She fell asleep quickly. You kept running your fingers through her hair till you started to feel tired again and you fell asleep with Taylor safe in your arms.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now