fighting in front of your child

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Taylor huffed and threw her bag on the counter. You stood by the stove, glaring at her. "Why are you home so late?" Taylor groaned. She knew this was gonna happen. It's a little after midnight and she was supposed to be home hours ago.

"Out." That was all she said and you scoffed. "Out?" Taylor nodded and ran her hands across her face, tugging at her hair. "Yeah. Why are you so upset at me for being a few hours late?" You ran your tongue across your dry lips, trying to keep as calm as possible. "Are you serious Taylor? I'm upset because you promised Carter you'd be here to tuck him in tonight and read him a story!" "Oh my god y/n, calm down. So I was a few hours late. I'll make it up to him tomorrow."

You sighed and tears started to form in your eyes. "It means a lot to him, Taylor, you know this. You just got home from tour a few days ago and all he wants is for you to be here for him!" Taylor was about to argue back when she heard a whimper come from behind you both. Carter stood there in his pajamas, holding his bear from Taylor to his chest as he rubbed his eyes, tears falling down his cheeks.

Both of you forgot what you were even fighting about at that moment; all that mattered was Carter. Taylor bent down and held her arms out for him and he instantly ran into them. She picked him up and let him cry against her shoulder. "Please, no more." His voice was quiet and he was clearly scared and upset. Taylor looked at you and sighed, smiling as you walked over and let her wrap her arm around your back.

"No more fighting, honey. It's done now." He sniffled and nodded his head, but he was still a little upset. "Let's get you back to bed. I'll read you a bedtime story." Taylor said as she rubbed his back and his frown instantly fled, now replaced with a smile. "Okay. I'll be right back." She said to you as she walked upstairs.

You couldn't help yourself from tiptoeing upstairs to Carter's room. You watched as Taylor read him his favorite story, little giggles leaving his lips before he began to yawn and eventually closed his eyes. Once alor knew he was asleep she made sure the blankets were around him securely and she pressed a couple soft kisses to his forehead. She turned off his lamp and made sure his night light was on before she turned around and saw you in the doorway.

She smiled at you, quietly closing Carter's bedroom door before pulling you to her chest. "I'm sorry. For everything. I swear to you I was just at the studio but I should've kept track of time better." She sat down on the edge of the bed with you in her arms. "It's alright. I just get scared sometimes, but I trust you. I jus want Carter to be happy. You mean the whole world to him and all he wants is for you to tuck him in at night. He doesn't really let me do it anymore, except for when you're on tour, but otherwise it's all you. It's like he sees it as something special, just between the two of you."

Taylor smiled and kissed the side of your head. "I know, it's my favorite part of the night. I'm sorry again. Let's go to sleep, okay?" You nodded, relaxing as her palm gently caressed your cheek. She kissed your temple and laid back on the bed with you, both of you happy to put that stupid fight behind you.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now