Chapter I

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A/N: Quick note before you start the book I just want to say thank you to the person who designed my cover laz3jay thank you soooo much I absolutely loved all of them! I couldn't just pick one of the covers she made so for the first couple of chapters you will see pictures up there ^^^ those will be the rest of the covers she made. I toats recommend you check her out she is super super talented and without further to do let's get started :3

Marinette had this strange feeling all day. She had felt like someone had been watching her every move. Like she a mouse and somewhere there was a cat; slowly, stalking, waiting to pounce.

She just couldn't get the feeling of unease out of her gut. Marinette tried explaining it to Alya, but her friend didn't seem to understand; eventually Marinette gave up and just tried to pay attention in class.

She was walking home, Alya had offered to walk with her but for some odd reason she had turned down her offer. Marinette regretted that decision now.

She had turned the corner and there was a huge crowd of people covering the whole street. It seemed to be a rally of some sort.

Marinette sighed, it didn't look like she would be able to get through the crowd. She was left with two options: either go back a street and go around the long way— which would take her an fifteen extra minutes to get home— or cross through an alleyway, which would only delay her by a few minutes.

She sighed and headed towards the alleyway, immediately regretting her decision. An immense feeling of dread washed over her body

"I'm not sure this was such a great idea, I should have taken the long way."

Tikki opened Marinette's purse, "what's wrong? You don't usually think twice about taking a shortcut if a road is blocked"

"I know it's just it's so dark and isolated here, and you know how I've been feeling paranoid all day."

Marinette shook her head, to rid herself of paranoid thoughts; and tightened her hold on her school bag.

A can rolled in front of her, pushed by an invisible wind, Marinette shivered and speed walked the rest of the way out.

Once she was on the other side, Marinette looked back at the alley. Her blood ran cold, there was a dark figure standing in the entrance where she had been just a few moments ago.

Marinette took a sharp intake of breath and blinked a couple of times. The figure was gone, but her paranoia wasn't. Had she imagined that? Was she going crazy?

Marinette practically sprinted the rest of the way home. Once she arrived she slammed the door shut and ran upstairs to her room, barely greeting her parents on the way in.

She reached the safety of her room and slumped down on her desk chair.

"Are you sure you didn't imagine it?" Tikki asked sitting on Marinette's desk, cookie in hand.

"I don't know Tikki." Marinette put her head in her hands and sighed. "Do you think I'm going crazy?"

"Maybe you're just tired, those late night Akumas have been taking a toll on you. I'm sure if you rest everything will be okay and you will feel way better." Tikki said.

Marinette smiled and nodded, but she still couldn't shake the eerie feeling she had.


"Wow, no Akuma tonight huh?" Chat asked as he took a seat next to Ladybug on the Eiffel Tower. "By the way you look ameowzing tonight."

Ladybug shook her head, completely ignoring Chats pun. "No, at least not yet."

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