Chapter XXII

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After Master Fu had left, Alya grabbed Marinette and pulled her into her room.

"Alright spill," Alya said. "please tell me I was not hallucinating when I saw you and Adrien Agreste holding hands."

Marinette sighed, she knew this was going to happen when Alya saw the two of them.

"And where were you anyways? Were you planning on eloping with Adrien?" Alya asked.

Marinette's cheeks flushed a dark red.

"Alya, its not like-"

"And when were you planning on telling me, your best friend, that you and your long-time crush were swapping spit?!"

"Alya!" Marinette exclaimed, thoroughly embarrassed.

Marinette grabbed Alya and shook her lightly.

"Holy heck, calm down! Usually it's me that's jumping to conclusions! I need my level headed friend right now, can I please talk to her?"

Alya took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay okay, sorry. I'm calm now."

Marinette gave her a small smile.

"You know that Akuma attack Adrien told you about?"

Alya nodded.

"That was me, I got akumatized."

Alya gasped, "but, how did you... Oh my gosh are you okay?!"

Marinette nodded shyly.

"How did you get akumatized! You didn't wreck any trouble did you? Oh my gosh did you get to meet Ladybug? Oh wait she wasn't there...What about Chat? Did he ask about my Ladyblog? Oh my gosh you should've asked him questions for me!"

"Alya!" Marinette laughed loudly. "You're fangirling way too hard right now."

Alya patted Marinette on the shoulder.

"Alright alright, we better go to sleep we've been awake since yesterday." She said.

Marinette looked at her. "So does that mean our mom's are letting us skip school today?"

Alya shrugged. "I would assume so, it's already nine and they haven't told us to get ready yet."

Marinette smiled and yawned. "Yeah you're right we should get some sleep."

Alya nodded and watched as Marinette took her spot in the cot she had been sleeping in the last couple of days. It wasn't long before she was passed out and asleep.

Lying in bed, Alya smiled, happy that she had gotten her friend to laugh. She hadn't laughed in the whole since she got back. And she had a weary look in her face, not to mention there was the whole deal with her coming back all wounded.

Alya knew there was something wrong with her friend, something had happened in the time she had gone missing. She didn't know what it was, but she was going to make sure to find out.


When Adrien arrived home, he found no evidence that there had ever been a fight. The whole house had a faint lemony smell.

"Nathalie? Father?" He called out into the room.

When their was no answer he tried a different name.


"Right here Adrien."

Adrien almost jumped when a hand grabbed his shoulder.

He turned to find his cousin smiling casually, it looked like he had been hiding behind a plant.

"I've been waiting for you Adrien, we still need to discuss our agreement."

Adrien eyes Felix warily. "I thought we had already agreed that you wouldn't hurt Marinette as long as I did whatever you wanted me too."

Felix tilted his head and nodded. "Yes that's is true, but we never did discuss what I wanted."

He looked at Adrien and smiled, no emotion evident in his eyes.

Adrien stared back at his cousin.

"What is it." He asked in a hoarse voice. "what do you want."

Felix crept closer. "Well I'm glad you asked, I want you to rule the world with me."

Adrien saw Felix's crazed smile and gulped. He took a small step back; but it was in vain, for Felix grabbed and side hugged him.

"Just imagine it cousin dear!" Felix held up two familiar rings.

Adrien gasped. "Isn't that..."

"Yes!" Felix nodded eagerly and looked at Adrien. "They're the Graham de Vanily twin rings!"

"But how did you, I thought my father had them, and my mother..."

Felix pocketed the rings back in his pocket.

"Well you see, I might have stolen one ring the last time I was here."

"You mean when-"

"Yes, when I posed as you and got your three friend akumatized. I'm sorry about that by the way the whole pretending to be you thing, not the making your friends upset. They had it coming."

"Why are you doing this Felix."

"I already told you, I plan on ruling this wretched world. And your gonna do it with me, wether you like it or not."

A/N: Super sorry for the super late update, I thought I had updated it today and I just remembered right now I hadn't >0<

Anyways super excited to say that I'm only about 580 views till 10k views. And I'm super super excited. I also want to take the time to thank you guys my readers, especially those who have been with me since the very beginning. (You guys know who you are :D) because without you guys I'm not sure I would have been able to continue working on this book. You guys are my motivation, so thank you so much for being here and reading this cringy fanfiction. I can't wait to finish out this fanfiction, alright imma stop talking now lol. By the way happy St. Patrick's day everyone! :3

Much love,

Ess V

Next update: 03-31-2020

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