Chapter XXVII

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"Felix, this can't go on any longer." Chat started once they were in the mansion. 

He sat Ladybug down on a chair, and strided up to Felix. "You made me kill someone, and you broke your promise you were not  supposed to hurt her." He pointed at Ladybug.

"What the hell is wrong with you Felix?" Ladybug spoke through gritted teeth. "Ordering to assassinate the mayor of Paris?! Are you insane?"

"I'm afraid so my dear." Felix redponded with a smile. "But I'm also deviously smart. Which reminds me, I doubt either of you have seen my broadcast have you?"

"Broadcast?" She asked.

Smirking, he pulled out his phone, tunring it so the oth of them could see.

When it was over, Ladybug snuck a look at Chat, he was as pale as a sheet of paper.

"You disgust me." She spit out, looking back at Felix. "This was your plan all along? To seem like a hero? You're nothing but a pychopath."

He chuckled, while he adjusted his sleeves. "Well this psychopath, has just become the youngest mayor of Paris so you better respect me."

Ladybug scoffed. "Yeah right, like they'd let you. Get over yourself Felix."

"No really," Felix insisted. "The city advisors were so amazed that I was able to take down Hawkmoth, and with the mayor gone, well they needed someone responsible and heroic to take over. All they needed was a small token of appreciation."

"You bribed them!" She exclaimed. She tried to stand up, but the pain in her leg was oo much, so she plopped back down.

"You're done with this Felix." Chat finally spoke up. "We've come to take you down."

Felix burst oiut into laughter. "Really? you and what army?"

Chat opened his mouth to speak, but was interupted by the door ringing.

"Hold that thought cousin dear." Felix said and walked off to greet the unknown visitor.

"How's your leg?" Chat asked, turning to Ladybug.

"It's seen better days." Ladybug said, giving him a pained smile.

"We've gotta get you out of here." Chat said, kneeling down in front of her. 

"No, we gotta defeat him now, who knows what other chaos he's going to cause if we leave him be. I'll be okay."

"What's the plan?"

"I don't know, we're kind of just winging it."

They shut up when they heard footsteps approaching.

"Alya?" Ladybug asked confused.

"And Nino?" Chat added.

"What are you doing here!" Ladybug exclaimed.

"They were looking for Adrien and Marinette, I told them they weren't here but I let them in, and offered them some refreshments." Felix said, walking up behind them. "Should I escort them out?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, and pulling out a gun and aiming it at Alya from behind her.

"No!" both Chat and Ladybug exclaimed.

"They can stay, it's not a problem." Chat said quickly.

"Ladybug? Are you hurt?" Alya asked looking at her leg. Alya walked over to Ladybug, oblivious to danger she had just been in.

Ladybug shook her head, gripping her leg tighter.

"Here, let me see." Alya said, lifting Ladybug's arms from her leg.

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