Chapter XIII

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Marinette hoped that whatever was running down the side of her cheek was just sweat and not blood.

"Why... The hell... Are you... Doing this?" She asked between gasps of breath.

Sasha tapped her chin and lowered her bat, completely ignoring Marinette; and looked over to the man. "Insults and torture dont seem to get that much of a rise from her. What else do you suggest Vex?"

Vex wasted no time answering."I think we should go to threats."


Vex nodded, "but not threaten her, however..."

He trailed off leaving Sasha to pick up his thoughts.

"Her family!" She responded snapping her fingers.

Vex nodded again.

"Alright!" Sasha turned back to face Marinette again.

Smiling she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Tapping on the screen a couple of times, she showed it to Marinette.

The phone appeared to be recording the living room of Alya's apartment.

There stood her mom, Nino, Alya, and Adrien.

The video had no sound, but it wasn't that hard to figure out they were talking about her.

Alya was nervously tapping her foot. Nino kept adjusting his cap; and her mom was biting her nails, a tick Marinette knew she only did when worried.

"Guys..." She cried.

Her eyes drifted to Adrien, who was pacing back and forth. When suddenly he stop and said something to the room before running out of the apartment.

He was quickly followed out by Nino and her mom too. Alya went to the twin's rooms and later emerged with them in hand. Like the others, she also ran out.

Sasha frowned and looked at the phone.

"What!" She yelled. "This wasn't supposed to happen!"

Sasha turned to Vex and snapped her fingers at him.

Vex was at her side in an instant.

"You, watch her. I'm gonna go see what happened."

Sasha turned around and started heading towards the door. "This shouldn't have happened, it was that kid's fault. What was he even doing there? I should've killed him when I had the chance." She mumbled.

Marinette's eyes widened. "What! Kill who?"

Sasha paused and turned around, smirk on her face.

"Oh I'm talking about Adrien. When I sent those men to take him, I should have ordered them to kill him too.

Marinette growled, "leave, him alone!"

Sasha chuckled darkly. "Or what?" She walked closer, "What can you do?"

Sasha walked around Marinette.

Marinette glared at her.

"Nothing." Sasha whispered in her ear. "You're just a weak girl without the protection of you precious miraculous. Look you can't even untie yourself, much less save you're friends. Pathetic."

Marinette snapped at her face, she caught Sasha by surprise and clamped her mouth around Sasha's ear.

"Ow! Ow! Let go!" Sasha swung punches around blindly.

On of her fists hit Marinette square in the jaw, making her let go of Sasha's ear.

"You little whore!"

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