Chapter XV

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Adrien watched back and forth between both sisters. He stood awkwardly to the side rubbing his neck, unsure of what to do.

"What are you doing here?" Cassie asked.

"Why isn't it obvious?" Sasha said, examining her hands. "I'm here to get rid of our dear Chat Noir. Thought it would send a good message to Ladybug that she needs to comply with what we're asking or else. "

At the mention of his lady Adrien stood up straight.

"Where is she?! What did you do to Marinette!" He snarled.

Sasha turned her eyes towards Adrien, he took a step back from the fierce look Sasha gave him. The hatred a single glare from her contained, took him by surprise.

"Oh don't worry lover boy she's safe for now, as long as she listens and does what we tell her to she'll be just peachy. You won't have to worry about her for long once she accomplishes what we need we"ll get rid of her."

Adrien let out an outcry of anger and ran towards Sasha ready to give her a blow to the head.

"You disgusting little b-"

"Stop Adrien!" Cassie yelled coming between the two of them. "This is not the way to solve things!"

Adrien's furious eyes went from Sasha to Cassie.

"And how else do you expect to get Marinette back because least I checked you couldn't really negotiate with a psychopath. I thought you were on the good side!"

"I am Adrien... but please," Cassie begged, "let me do this; we can't always resort to violence. What if she gets injured so much that even if she wanted to lead us to Marinette she couldn't?"

Adrien lowered his hand, finally seeing the reasoning, and Cassie let out a breath of relief.

She turned back towards Sasha, only to find that her sister was no longer there.

"Crap! We lost sight of Sasha, we've got to find her!"

"I'm right behind you," Sasha said, however not behind Cassie but from Adrien.

The pair turned around and saw Sasha running toward them sword in hand.

Adrien let out a yelp in surprise before grabbing Cassie and jumping safely out of the way.

Sasha, fueled by the momentum wasn't able to stop and ran her sword into a building.

She let out a growl as she tried pulling it out; and quickly came to the conclusion that it was stuck for the time being. Reaching down to her legs, she pulled out the trusty daggers she always carried with her.

"Ooh kitty got claws!" Adrien exclaimed, completely forgetting about the situation he was in.

Cassie shot him a look, and Adrien looked down mumbling a simple sorry.

Cassie them pulled out a dagger of her own.

"Hey! What happened to let's not resort to violence!" Adrien yelled.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to use this, but it seems you're too far gone to return." Cassie said to her sister, ignoring Adrien's comment.

The two sisters soon engaged in battle, Adrien however felt a bit left out.

"Urgh! If only I had my ring! Dang it!" Adrien huffed.

He crossed his arms and watched the two sisters fight.


Meanwhile Marinette and Adrien's friends were still searching for the missing girl.




Everyone called out in hopes that  she would answer.

News of Marinette had spread so fast, that even people like Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale, were helping in the search for her. Even the notorious Gabriel Agreste, who remembered her from the hat competition, made a small announcement about the importance of finding her.

Now in his office Gabriel was beginning ponder. How strange and peculiar it was that both his son and the Marinette girl had been missing. The only difference being that Adrien's disappearance hadn't been publicized. They were about to, when Gabriel had received a call from an anonymous number asking for a ransom. So instead of making it public Gabriel and Nathalie got the police involved and now the criminals where sitting in jail waiting for their court hearings.

However different these two disappearences seemed, Gabriel still couldn't get it out of his head that somehow, something seemed odd and somehow they were connected. Maybe... Perhaps there was a small possibility that the-

Wait, Gabriel stood up abruptly. He knew this familiar feeling, the unforgettable hatred someone felt. This hatred, this anger; Gabriel had to take advantage of it! This was a once in a lifetime opportunity! There seemed to be so many emotions swirling inside this person's heart, however the anger simply outstood them all!

Grinning like a child, Gabriel ran to the painting of his wife; and unlocked his secret elevator and went down, eager to transform.

No, it couldn't be. Gabriel couldn't believe it the person harboring all this hate was none other than young Marinette. And this love hidden beneath all this hate, she had a strong desire to protect... Adrien?

Could this be how both their kidnappings are related? Were his suspicions true? Could she really be?

Gabriel shook his head, now was not the time to get scatterbrained, he had a job to do.


"Let me go! Please! I have to go save him!" Marinette cried, struggling against here bindings.

She no longer cared about her wounds or the pain she was in. The only thing on her mind was Adrien.

She let out a loud cry before slumping back in her chair, fatigued. She didn't notice the black butterfly float gently towards her; or Vex grinning like a madman, already anticipating what was going to happen.

All Marinette felt was bliss, she was plunged into darkness. And for once, everything seemed alright.

Someone seemed to be calling her name, from a distance.

Adrien? She thought.

"No, not Adrien the voice responded," before calling out her name again.

"Guardian Angel." The voice called her name once again.

This time she responded. "Yes?"

"I can help you destroy the one person you harbor hate towards. I can help you protect the boy you love, Adrien."

She grinned.

"Do you want the power I give you? All I need in return is-"

"Yes Hawkmoth I know the earrings and ring. I'll get them just give me the powers."

"My my, eager aren't we? Very well then, Guardian Angel."

She felt the power course through her body, never had she ever felt this  powerful. Not even as Ladybug.

Guardian Angel laughed maniacally, however her joy was short lived. For the fact that she was soon thrust into a deep darkness once again.

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