Chapter III

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This is the song I had visualized had been playing, just a lil something for reference. You don't have to listen to it but more than welcome too.


Marinette arrived home nearly in tears, when her parents asked her what was wrong she merely shook her head and ran up to her room. Thankfully her parents took it as a sign of her needing space and decided to leave her alone for the night.

Now she sat on her bed staring blankly at her wall, unsure of what to do.

"Why don't you go talk to Chat?" Tikki spoke up. "Two heads are better than one, maybe he can shed some light on the situation?"

Marinette's eyes flicked to where tikki was hovering. She scrunched her eyebrows and frowned, providing a simple hmm as as her answer.

"Marinette!" Tikki said flying over to the girl's face. "I need you to focus! You almost got kidnapped, someone knows your identity, and both you and everyone you love got threatened! Focus!"

Tikki smiled when she saw a light switch flip back on in Marinette's head, and she got up; her eyes wide with surprise.

"Oh my- You're right! I've got to go! Tikki spots on!"

Marinette transformed and leapt out her bedroom window in search of Chat.

"You have to tell me your identity." Chat said immediately after Ladybug finished telling him about the park incident.

"My what?" Out of all the things she had expected Chat to say, it had definitely not been this. "Chat now is not the time for you to insist about learning m-"

"Think about it, if I know you're identity I can protect you as Chat; and maybe even as my civilian form. After what happened today you need as much help you can get protecting not only yourself, but your friends and family too."

Ladybug bit her lip Chat had a point, there was no way she would be able to juggle everyone's safety all while keeping herself and identity safe too.

She looked at Chat; she was sure if she told him her identity he wouldn't go around telling everyone, she trusted him.

She opened her mouth to answer him, but instead a siren wail came from below them.

Both heroes turned to the sound of it, it was a firetruck. They watched it turn at a street up ahead; Ladybug looked at the skyline, in hopes of seeing the fire the truck was after.

She found the huge trail of smoke and followed it down at the building, the sight chilled her to the core. It was her home.

She let out a strangled sound; before swinging towards her apartment.

Ladybug landed on the ground and ran towards the torching building. Before she could go inside a big burly fireman stopped her.

"Let me through!" She cried trying to push him away.

"Sorry Ladybug let the people with the proper equipment take care of this. I get that you save Paris from Hawkmoth everyday, but you aren't indestructible. Even the best of heroes fall, for your safety please stay back." The fireman replied calmly as he gently pushed her back.

"No! Please you've got to let me in! I'll be fine!" Ladybug cried hysterically

The man looked up from Ladybug to look at Chat running up to them, finally catching up to Ladybug.

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