Chapter XXVI

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Marinette gave a quick glance towards Adrien, asking him a silent question.

Do you think she saw us?

He gave her an imperceptible shrug.

She looked back at the couple in front of them.

"I swear it's not what it looks like!" Alya exclaimed, walking towards them.

"Hey who am I to intrude in your uh, couple time." Marinette said with a red face.

Alya giggled nervously, Nino rubbed the back of his head with a small blush.

"Where are you guys headed?" Alya piped up.

"To the park!" Marinette said.

"To the Louvre!" Adrien said.

They looked at each other with wide eyes, and back at Alya.

"To the Louvre!" Marinette said.

"To the park!" Adrien said.

Alya smiled at them.  "Why don't we all just get some ice cream with Andre?"

"Oh no we can't!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Yeah, we're actually headed to my house right now!" Adrien added.

"Yeah, we've got this project we've got to finish and you know how mad Ms. Bustier gets when we turn our projects in late. And yeah, okay bye!" Marinette exclaimed, practically pulling Adrien away.

"We got a project in school?" Nino asked.

Alya shook her head, watching them run away. A notification on her phone made her look away.

Alix had sent her a message. Upon opening the text, She found out it was a link. Clicking on it, she was brought to a live news feed."

"Citizens of Paris." A familiar looking boy spoke.

"Hey, isn't this Adrien's cousin?" Alya asked, showing Nino her phone.

He nodded. "Yeah, what's he doing on the news though?"

"No idea, let's watch."

They watched as Felix explained how he defeated Hawkmoth and Mayura. They watched him as he paused, and walked away from the camera; and the live feed ended.

"Oh man, he must feel so bad. I mean he murdered his uncle. That's gotta be traumatizing."

Alya nodded slowly, "Yes, but... Wasn't he also the cousin who sent us that horrible video and deleted all of the messages we sent Adrien? Wasn't he also the one that got Juleka, Rose, and me akumatized? I could've sworn he was evil, or at least messed up in the head. Why's he suddenly on the good side?"

"Maybe he changed?" Nino suggested. "People can change for the better."

Alya chewed on the side of her cheek. "Maybe..."

"Man, I also feel bad for Adrien, I can't imagine how he must feel. His own father? Hawkmoth?" Nino said.

"Let's follow them." Alya said.

"Wait weren't we following Ladybug?" 

"Change of plans." Alya responded, tugging him along.


Marinette and Adrien, now newly transformed Ladybug and Chat Noir; were on their way to the Agreste Mansion.

"What are we going to do when we get there?" Chat asked.

"We'll try talking to him, explain how we're through with playing his little game. And if he doesn't listen then we'll have to fight him, we'll figure out a way to stop him don't worry." She said, as they reached the gates.

Chat nodded, and the both of them leapt in.

"Remember," Ladybug spoke. "First we try and-" Her words shifted into a painful scream, as she collapsed and the ground, holding onto her leg.

"Ladybug!" Chat said, kneeling down, to see what was wrong.

He slowly moved her hands from her leg, to find a bullet wound. His eyes widened as he looked up to see Felix in front of them, with a gun in his hand and a smirk on his face.

"What the hell?!" Chat raged. "You said you wouldn't hurt her!"

"Did I?" Felix asked and tapped his chin. "No I don't believe I did. The only person I remember promising not to hurt was Marinette, and as far as I'm concerned Ladybug does not equal Marinette." He said walking up to them, in a cool demeanor. "And I shot her, because I know that the both of you are here to try and defeat me. Like the sickenly do-gooders you believe you are. In truth I was aiming for her heart, you should feel lucky I missed."

It took all of Chat's strength not to get up and clock him in the face, but he couldn't. Ladybug was his first priority.

"We need to get you help." He said, looking at her. "Can you stand?"

Ladybug looked at him, through her tears and nodded quickly.

"No, she will be going inside." Felix said, pointing the gun at her head. "Come on get her up, and follow me."

Chat glared at him, but help her up. "How bad does it hurt?" He whispered.

"Only a little." She whimpered, leaning on him and limping ungraciously, following Felix.

"Here, let me." Chat stopped, and picked her up.

"Chat, I can walk on my own." Ladybug whispered.

He shook his head. "Even if you can, better not injure yourself more. You need to save strength for later.

"quit your talking and get inside." Felix said, still aiming the gun at them. "We have lots to talk about."

Final update: 05-26-20

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