Chapter XVIII

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Trigger Warning
This chapter contains mentions of blood, violence, death, etc. Please if you are easily triggered by said things I ask that you read with caution and at your own risk.

Chat Noir looked at his cousin in confusion. "Felix?"

Marinette looked at the teenager in realization. That was it! He was Felix, Adrien's cousin!

Said boy ignored Chat and walked straight into the center of the room; arms crossed.

"You know, this really wasn't the plan. I really wasn't expecting father and son to fight each other." He cracked his knuckles. "Like mother dear always said, if you want things done you gotta do them yourself!"

Felix walked around in a circle, "I also wasn't expecting Gabriel dearest to reveal his true colors."

He turned to look at Gabriel and feigned shock. "Honestly Gabriel, attacking your own son with no remorse? No wonder Emilie is the way she is right now! It's all your fault!"

Gabriel took a step back, for once in his life he genuinely looked...hurt.

The name of Chat's mom caught his attention.

"What do you mean it his fault? My mother disappeared a year ago!"

Felix turned towards Chat. "Au contraire! Your mother is very much still here in Paris. In fact, she's underneath us right now!"

For the second time today Chat felt like he was going to puke; he stumbled back, dizzy.

Marinette steadied him from behind with a concerned face. "Chat you need to get out of here, you have less than a minute left!"

But Chat wasn't listening. All this time, he couldn't believe it. This whole time his mom hadn't been missing.

He heard a small beep, no doubt it was his ring. But he payed no mind to it.

He fell down to the ground as his suit disappeared, and was back in his civilian form.

"My, my are we finally done playing dress up dearest cousin?" Felix said, walking towards Adrien.

"Is she... Is she..." Adrien tried to get the words out, but he couldn't muster the courage to.

"Dead?" Felix finished for him. "Oh no, she's simply in a comatose state. What your father here has been trying to do is awaken her with the wish both the cat and ladybug miraculouses can grant."

"She's okay?" Adrien asked relief in his voice.

Felix smiled warmly at his cousin and nodded.

He turned back to face Gabriel, "Now you, you were supposed to be dead; however Sasha dearest didn't do her job like she was supposed to."

Felix rubbed his temples, "So now, I'm going to have to dirty my own hands. Honestly dreadful, that's the last time I ever hire assassins off the black market."

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a pair of black leather gloves.

"I really hate to do this Gabriel,  but really you give me no more options. I really did try to give you plenty of second chances, you just really couldn't redeem yourself."

Felix busied himself with adjusting his gloves as he walked towards Gabriel.

"No hard feelings." He said taking out a small handgun and pointing it at the famous designer.

Thinking quickly, Mayura grabbed her fan and hurled it towards the gun. It successfully hit the gun out of Felix's hand before he could even put his finger on the trigger.

Felix smirked, "I always like a good challenge."

Mayura grabbed Gabriel's arm.

"Let's go!"

She pulled on Gabriel's arm, but he wasn't budging. She turned to see him staring at Felix, a single tear ran down his cheek.

"It wasn't my fault." He whispered, almost inaudibly.

Mayura stared at him, unsure of what to do.

She ran around him and pushed him from behind.

"We've got to go! You're no help to Emilie once you're dead! And I don't the the kids joking around!"

Yet Gabriel still didn't budge.

"It wasn't my fault." He said, louder this time.

Despite Mayura's efforts, he fell down to his knees sobbing.

"It wasn't my fault!" He screamed.

Mayura kneeled next to him, a sympathetic look on her face. Not knowing what else to do, she embraced him.

"It wasn't my fault." He whispered, leaning into her hug.

"It wasn't m-"

Gabriel's cries were silenced; and he flopped onto the floor, lifeless.

Mayura stared at his body, her mind still not registering what had happened.

She looked at Felix, then at Adrien before she herself fell on top of Gabriel's body.

Felix walked towards Mayura, who was still struggling to live. He flipped her over and examined the wound.

Her eyes were wandering all over the place, not fixating on anything. She appeared to be mumbling something; when her throat made a gurgling sound, and blood trailed out of her mouth.

Felix wiped the blood off her face and smiled apologetically at her.

"I'm sorry, the bullet was only meant to hit his brain stem, I didn't expect for it to puncture your lung."

Felix sighed, "I'll do you a favor and put you of your misery, again I'm truly sorry and no hard feelings."

With lightning speed, he reached up and twisted her head; snapping her neck and killing her instantaneously.

Felix sighed and stood up, turning around to face Adrien and Marinette. Or at least where they should be.

Groaning with the realization that they had run off, Felix went off in search of them.


There were a lot of things to process in Marinette's head. first of all she had been akumatized, due to Chat's cataclysm, her miraculous was now dust and in her hands as they tried to escape the psychopathical Felix. Adrien was Chat Noir, Chat Noir was Adrien. And from what she gathered, Gabriel was Hawkmoth; or at least was in kahoots with him.

Marinette hoped and prayed that the gunshot they heard a couple of minutes ago had not killed anyone.

She closed her eyes, and let Adrien pull her along the streets if Paris to safety.

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