Chapter XIV

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"Ok, I feel like we're far enough from the public eye." Adrien said as they turned the corner and reached an empty street.

The girl stopped, causing Adrien to stop a couple feet behind her.

He got into a defensive position, just in case.

Compared to the last time he had seen this girl, she was very calm. His mind went back to when she tried to attack him with a sword from behind.

What was her name again? He vaguely remembered it started something with an s...

Oh well, Adrien shrugged there was only one thing that mattered.

"Marinette, where is she?" He asked with a bite to his voice.

The girl turned around and took a step towards Adrien. Adrien took a step back.

The girl rolled her eyes, "relax I'm not going to hurt you."

"I won't ask again." Adrien growled, "Where. Is. Marinette. I may not have my ring anymore but I can still kick your-"

"Lets keep it PG shall we?" The girl interrupted. "I also have the distinct feeling that you're mistaking me for someone else."

The girl reached into her pocket and pulled out a paper. "I'm almost positive you are thinking I am Sasha."

She showed the paper to him, which ended up being a photograph.

Adrien looked at it and almost laughed.

"You've got to be kidding me." He said.

He crossed his arms, slightly lowering his guard. "You're literally showing me a picture of yourself."

The girl shook her head. "Look closer."

Adrien did, and noticed that the girl in the picture had a different shade of eyes than the one holding the picture. While the one in the picture had a deeper, richer color; the real life version had an icier tone.

That's when he started to notice more differences. Like the way the eyebrows didn't quite seem to match both girls. And one of their noses was slightly more crooked than the other.

"You're twins." Adrien said, still looking at the picture.

The girl nodded, and tucked the paper away.

"That's my twin Sasha Winston, I'm Cassie. Based off of your reaction I'm guessing you've met her right?"

"She came at me with a sword!"

Cassie sighed, crossing her arms. "Yeah she has a manner of, let's just say greeting people."

"You said you knew Marinette was Ladybug, how?" Adrien asked, changing the subject.

"I was sent here on an assignment."

Adrien furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Like homework assignment? Was your sister Sasha also assigned homework?"

Cassie chuckled dryly. "No, assignment as in secret agent have to complete a mission assignment. And yes Sasha was sent on one too, however she works solo. More as a what would you call it? Hitman. I work with a company. You could say I'm with the good guys."

"Wait." Adrien said, still trying to process the fact that he was standing in front of a spy agent. "Your sister is trying to kill Marinette? Why?"

"We have no idea, all we know is that someone hired her and she came here for it. We've been after her for two years after she broke out of prison."

"Woah! Prison?!" Adrien exclaimed. "How old are you people that you went to prison?! You don't look older than ten!"

Cassie sighed. "Yes we get that a lot; We're reaching eighteen in less than a month, we just have a really bad case of baby face. And for the matter I wasnt in prison only Sasha was."

"But like why are the both of you so short too?"

"Yes! I am well aware that I am an inch shorter than a midget! You don't need to rub it in! Some people are just born short deal with it!" Cassie growled furiously.

Adrien was taken aback with both the quick change of personality and huge amount of attitude this girl had.

"But I didn't say you-"

"Shut it!" Cassie said, giving him on of her biggest stink eyes.

"Yes ma'am!" Adrien exclaimed and stood still as a log.

"Ok, now that you've been mostly informed, let's get down to business."

"To defeat the huns..." Adrien whispered, hoping that Cassie hadn't heard.

Cassie rolled her eyes but pulled out her phone.

"Now you said you lost your ring, exactly what happened?"

"Well you see, I was kidnapped-"

Cassie burst out into laughter. "One of the great superheroes of Paris, kidnapped?!"

She wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh man! I thought you guys would be stronger at least strong enough to handle a couple of kidnappers! Luckily I'm here to solve all your problems!"

With a flip of her hair, she returned to her cool composure.

"Ok continue."

"Well I'm not sure how, but like when I got back home the ring was gone along with Plagg."


"My kwami."


Adrien sighed. "Nevermind that, is there anyway you can help me get him and my ring back? So I can go beat up the people that took Marinette."

"And where would you even find them?"

"Uhmmm," Adrien buffered for a second. "I'd turn myself in to them?"

"That is the dumbest plan I've ever heard."

Adrien put a hand to his chest and scoffed, insulted.

"You want to turn yourself in to people that didn't want you in the first place. They just wanted your ring."

Cassie tapped her chin. "Why would they want that? Wouldn't they just want to get rid of the whole superhero instead? I know I would have." She muttered.

"Hey I'm right here you know?" Adrien exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Cassie waved her hand.

"I just have to find a way to get Sasha come to me." She whispered to herself.

"Cassie watch out!" Adrien yelled, as he threw himself onto her.

Successfully getting her and him to the ground, as an object wizzed past them.

"What the hell? Get off me!" Cassie yelled and shoved him off of her.

"Well excuse me! I just saved your life!" Adrien exclaimed pointing to the metal object now laying on the ground.

Cassie looked at it and moaned in horror. "Oh no, I'd know that sword anywhere."

She looked at the direction it came from, and was not surprised to find a familiar face.

"Sasha," She whispered.

There stood an exact copy of Cassie, smirking.

"Hello sister. Long time no see."

Hope you guys have a happy New Year! 🎆 🎆 🎆

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