Chapter VI

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Ashes, if it wasn't charred it was ashes; that's how bad everything had burnt. The closer the things were to the oven, the less you could distinguish what they were. They had become too blackened and torched.

"How are we going to defeat this guy if he knows exactly where to hit?" Marinette whispered to herself.

Tikki stayed a few paces behind her, taking in the damage herself.

"Hey don't get down on yourself, everything is going to be okay. And I'm sure you and Chat will catch this guy in no time and everything will be back to normal."

Marinette made a hm sound and made her way upstairs.

"Do you think this person was akumatized?" Tikki asked.

Marinette shrugged. "Maybe, or it could be an overly obsessed fan who doesn't know boundaries."

Tikki stayed silent having nothing to say, and followed Marinette the rest of the way up to her room.

She found Marinette kneeling on the floor, gingerly holding the music box; it was open and playing it's song as the poorly painted ballerina turned.

The note lay open on the floor as Marinette shed a tear.

"Tikki," she gasped, "how could this happen? Why? Who would find so much joy in doing this?"

A small sob escaped her mouth. "Now my dad is in the hospital and everyone I love is in danger!"

Tikki didn't know what else to do other than to sit on her shoulder to let her know she was there for her.

"This is all my fault!" She cried.

"Oh Marinette none of this is your fault." A voice spoke as a hand was placed on her head.

Marinette recognized the voice; and promptly shoved  the note into her pocket, causing her to close the music box with her other hand.

"A-alya?" Marinette looked up. "What are you doing here? How much did you hear?"

She glanced down at her shoulder and was thankful to see that Tikki had made it back safely into her purse, away from Alya's sight.

"Well you weren't at the hospital, so I assumed this would be the next best place to find you."

Alya squatted down in front of Marinette and looked her in the eyes. "Now tell me exactly why you think this is all your fault."

Marinette noticed Alya ignored her second question, but she didn't say anything. She was to busy trying to come up with an answer to Alya's question.

"I uhm.." she buffered.

Alya smiled, and stood up pulling Marinette up with her.

"Come on girl, you look like you need a break. None of this is your fault we just had bad luck that's all. Now let's go get you some ice cream with Andre and I can tell you all about my most recent date with Nino."

Alya walked towards the door and looked back at Marinette. "You coming?"

Marinette nodded and followed, but not before taking the music box with her.

The motion, however, did not go unnoticed by Alya's keen eyes.


Adrien was absolutely exhausted after his two photoshoots. They had taken double the time at his second one, because the photographer had some camera malfunctions and now it was about to be nine!

Adrien just wanted to sleep especially since tomorrow was another busy day of photoshoots and an interview with the press. But he had promised himself that he would go see Marinette.

Reluctantly, Adrien transformed and headed out to find his lady.

"Chat, I think I need to turn myself in." Ladybug said, finding her hands really interesting as she examined them closely.

Chat turned towards her from his spot on the roof and scooted closer to Ladybug.

"Marinette, we've already been through this. Please I beg of you don't, I'm sure-no I know we can find a way. Come on you're Ladybug! You always find a way! You can't just give up!"

"Chat, who else will get hurt? It could be you that's next! Or Alya! Or, or Adrien" Ladybug said, whispering the last part.

Chats ears perked at his civilian name. "I'm sorry can you say that last part again?"

Ladybug looked at him and blushed quietly, praying that he hadn't heard her say Adrien's name.

"What Alya?" She said trying to brush off the Adrien part.

"No no, the name after that, who did you say?" Chat insisted.

"No one!" She said covering her blushing face.

"Definitely not Adrien because that would be weird right? Ha! Ha! Ha!" She laughed robotically as she scratched the back of her neck.

Way to go Marinette! She thought. Now he's gonna think your a total weirdo for having a crush on Adrien on top of the fact that you're Ladybug! She internally facepalmed and cringed at herself.

Chat chuckled and stood up. A small warmth spreading through him at the thought of Ladybug/Marinette liking his civilian form.

He held out his hand and helped up Ladybug.

"Please, promise me you won't turn yourself in. I swear to you that I will find whoever is responsible and make them pay, so please promise that you won't leave."

Ladybug looked up at him with soulful eyes and nodded.

Chat couldn't help but feel a sense of Deja Vu as he leaned in and hugged her closely.

"I'll be waiting here tomorrow, so I'll see you later okay?" Chat said pulling away from the hug.

Ladybug nodded and smiled.

"Thank you Chat."

Chat smiled back and waved as he used his baton to jump off from the building.


For some unknown reason Chat decided to walk home instead of parkouring his way there, like always.

But he felt at peace and relaxed so he kept walking; that is, until he felt a strange presence. He stopped in his tracks as he felt strange chill go down his back.

"Who's there?" He yelled, looking around warily.

A chuckle came from behind him, and Chat grabbed his baton.

"Oh you silly kitty, make us pay? Really?" A girl's voice spoke out, as she laughed again.

Chat spun around, a determined look on his face, but was surprised to find no one.

"How can you make me pay if you can't even find me?" The girl spoke again, from behind him.

Chat swung around, but again found no one.

"You've got to do better than that little kitten." The voice taunted.

Chat looked up and this time he saw a young girl running at him with a sword in hand.

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