Chapter VII

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Chat spun his baton to form a shield and barely managed to get hit by sword girl.

She appeared to be no more than ten but swung the sword- that was three times bigger than herself mind you- around like it was nothing.

"Whoa there!" Chat exclaimed jumping away as the girl swung again.

"I don't think you should be playing around with that. You look a little young to be swinging a sword. In fact..." Chat looked at an imaginary watch on his wrist, " look like you should be in bed right now, don't you have a curfew?"

The girl paused midswing and raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Excuse me? How old do you think I am?! I'll have you know I'm just shy of my eighteenth birthday! I'll be able to legally drink in less than a month!"

"Are you sure?" He asked smirking, as he used his baton as a cane to lean on. "Because you look like your no more than ten."

Sword girl scowled and put a hand on her hip.

"I have a baby face." She said, flipping her hair.

Chat shuddered as he got serious Chloe vibes off of this girl, but he was intrigued where this would go so he kept talking.

"Well you are rather short..."

The girl growled, "what's wrong with being short! I'm only four eleven!"

Chat clicked his tongue. "If you were an inch shorter you could be considered a midget. And let me tell you..."

Chat looked at sword girl's clothes.

"That outfit for is certainly not the cat's meow..." He mumbled. "Have you been akumatizatized?"

You could practically see the smoke coming off of the seething girl. "Ok now I've had it with you!" She yelled and ran towards him, sword above her head.

Chat's eyes widened as he raised the baton to block the blow.

"Hey now! I'm sure we can talk this out! Now I know Hawkmeowth can be purrty convincing but getting akumatizatized is not the answer!"

"I'm not akumatizatized!" The girl pushed against the baton that was holding her back.

"I would never let myself get akumatized by the likes of Hawkmoth, much less associate with that heartless monster. You know better than anyone else Adrien!"

Upon hearing his civilian name Chat faltered and losened the grip on his baton.

The girl fell towards him, and Chat, not prepared for the new added weight; fell back and landed on the ground with an oomph.

"You... you know me?" He sputtered.

"Yes! And I know what Hawkmoth did to your mothe-" "That's enough Sasha." A man's voice interrupted her, making her to look up in confusion.

A man stepped out from an alley.

"I think you've had your fun and I've tested him out enough. Let's go." He said turning around and walking away.

Sasha blew out an exasperated breath and walked away, the sword dragging behind her.

"Wait!" Chat called. "What about my mom!"

Sasha looked back and grinned. "You'll find out eventually don't worry. I had fun fighting ya! Hope we can do it again later!"


She waved and skipped away into the same alley the man had walked out from earlier.

Chat was left in a confused daze. What was she going to say about his mom? Did Hawkmoth have something to do with it. And who had been that man? Could that have been the man Marinette had been talking about?


The weekend had passed without anymore news of the mysterious man, thankfully. Repairs had already begun at her house, and slowly her dad was recovering.

Now Marinette sat in chemistry class as she mindlessly turned the music box in her hand as she yawned nonchalantly.

"Marinette." The teachers voice called out.

That brought Marinette back to focus, she shot up with wide eyes and looked at the teacher.

"Yes Ms. Mendeliev?"

"What's the first element of the periodic table?"



Marinette hesitated for a second before answering. "Potassium!"


"Uhm..." Marinette wracked her brain, she remembered studying this one extra hard the night before. But with all that had gone on she could barely remember. "Arsenic?" She said in a small voice.

"Incorrect! Germanium!"

Marinette blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry I'll study harder I promise."

"That will not suffice! Ms. Dupain-cheng I gave the time to you and everyone else in this class two weeks to memorize the periodic table and you have the audacity to get the thirty-second element of the periodic table wrong? And what's this that your playing with?!"

The teacher speed walked all the way to Marinette's desk and snatched the music box from her hands.

"Hey!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Confiscated! You may get it at the end of the day. And you've earned detention for not knowing the periodic table!"

Marinette was rendered speechless.

Alya leapt to her feet. "With all due respect Ms. Mendeliev, but are you aware of what happened to Marinette and her family? Maybe if you did you could perhaps cut her some slack. You see-" "I could care less if her dad grew three heads and her mom started quacking like a duck! Learning waits for no one! And now you, Ms. Cesaire, have detention for being rude and questioning my teaching methods!"

"Hey now!" Nino stood up to the defense of his girlfriend and his friend. "If you're gonna give them detention then give me detention too!"

Ms. Mendeliev scrunched her lips in irritation. "Fine! Detention!"

"Give me detention too!" Adrien blurted standing up too.

"And me!" Alix stood up.

"Me too!" Max exclaimed.

"Give me "I don't understand what all the fuss is about." Chloe said, filing her nails.

"Give me detention too!" Sabrina said, jumping up. "And Chloe too!"

Soon the whole class was standing up yelling to be given detention.

"What!" Chloe yelled leaping to her feet. "Sabrina why did you do that!" She slapped her in the back of the head.

"Enough!" Ms. Mendeliev yelled.

The whole class quieted down, you could hear a pin drop.

"All of you detention and not another word about it!"

Chloe pulled out her cell phone. "This is utterly ridiculous! Wait till my daddy hears..."

Ms. Mendeliev have her a sharp look.

Chloe shut her mouth and harrumphed, flipping her pony tail.

Now the whole class sat in detention writing out the periodic table fifty times.

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