Chapter XIX

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Marinette winced as Adrien cleaned a cut on her cheek with hydrogen peroxide.

"Holy cow your face is so hot and red, are you sure you don't have a fever?" Adrien said putting a hand up to her forehead.

If anything, that made Marinette's blush deepen.

"N-no!" Marinette moved away from Adrien's touch. "I mean! I don't have a fever."

She grinned awkwardly and looked down cringing at herself.

"Hey Adrien?" She asked hesitantly.

She felt a hand raise her chin; Adrien dabbed at a different cut on her temple, focus everyone sent in her eyes.

"What're are we going to do about..." Marinette trailed off and looked at the   dust in her hands.

Adrien followed her eyes and saw the dust in her hands.

He looked back up at her face, "Don't worry I'll find a way to fix this."

"I know... It's just, I hate myself and you must be so disappointed in me!" She cried.

"I know I am..." Marinette whispered almost inaudibly.

Adrien's eyes softened, "why would I be disappointed in you?"

"Because, I'm Ladybug! I'm supposed to be the one that saves the day. I'm supposed to catch the akuma and defeat Hawkmoth. And instead I was the idiot that got akumatized!"

Adrien pulled her into a hug, "Marinette, listen to me."

He rubbed her back soothingly as he talked, "Everyone is entitled to feeling upset once in a while. Just because you lose control of your emotions, doesn't mean you're the worst person to ever exist. You're human; we all make mistakes, and we all lose control sometimes. It's what makes us imperfectly perfect. You get me?"

Adrien felt Marinette nod in his arms, before she pulled away.

He smiled and wiped her tears. "Now, let's go find someone who can help us fix this mess."


The old man stared at the two teenagers as they explained the story.

"Master Fu, long story short we came here wondering if you could find a way to fix my earrings." Marinette said.

"Let me see them." He held out a shaky hand.

Hesitantly, Marinette passed him the dust of the earrings. Which now resided in a small mint box Marinette had found in her purse.

He opened the box a bit and peeked inside.

"I'll see what I can do." He said, closing it and setting it down. "I'll consult with the picture I have of the miraculous grimoire. In the meantime I suggest you lay low until we can figure what to do about both the earrings and the Felix kid."

Marinette and Adrien nodded as they stood up to leave.

Marinette bowed in appreciation. "Thank you Master Fu!"

Master Fu smiled and stood her back up. "Don't thank me yet Marinette. Now run off, before my cover is blown."


It didn't take long for Felix to find Adrien and Marinette. They appeared to be leaving an acupuncturist office.

What they were doing in a place like that was beyond him, but he'd find that out later; right now he had a more important task to focus on.

He could have easily confronted them right then and there, but where was the fun in that?

He followed them, for awhile, bother were so clueless he almost wanted to strangle them for being so oblivious.

He saw Marinette hang up a call on her phone and sigh.

He saw the way they kept looking at each one one wasn't looking. It was disgusting, it almost made him puke.

Finally as they were a few blocks away from the park, Felix decided to call it quits. He had fun of playing games with people that didn't even know were being followed.

Taking out his leather gloves, he walked out of the shadows and revealed himself.


As they left the master Fu's place, Marinette called her mom; it went straight to voicemail. She sighed and put her phone away.

Adrien had told her how everyone was looking for her. She felt flattered, but frankly she hadn't even been missing that long. There was no doubt that her and her mom were going to have a long talk when she got home. That is Alya's house.

Marinette looked up at Adrien beside her; and they also needed to have a long talk. Since they now knew each other's identities what would happen? That is assuming that the earrings were fixable, and could still transform her into Ladybug.

A yawn interrupted her thoughts, this caught Adrien's attention.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

Marinette nodded meekly and covered up another yawn.

Adrien chuckled and checked the time on his phone.

"Well no surprise it's about to be four, I guess it's already the next day. Pretty crazy huh? All of this happened in a single day."

Holy hell, Adrien was right; everything had happened in less than 24 hours. Getting detention, Alya's sister, Adrien missing, he getting kidnapped and akumatized, finding each other's identities. Everything seemed so extended, almost like they were chapters in a book...

Marinette shook her head, now she was starting to sound crazy. She really needed sleep.

""Hey," Adrien nudged her. "What are you going to tell your mom?"

Marinette stopped and panicked. "Oh no! What am I going to tell her! And my injuries! She's definitely gonna know how I got them!"

"Don't worry you won't have to worry about that, since you will in fact die today."

The pair froze at the sound of the merciless voice, slowly they turned around and found Felix pointing a gun straight at Marinette's head.

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