Chapter XXIII

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Adrien stood in front of his mother. She looked so lifeless, she wasn't even breathing. She was so pale, but she still had a small trace of the familiar smile Adrien knew. 

"Why?" Adrien asked, still looking at his mother. "Why did my father do this? why did he hide this from me? Why is she like this?"

He turned around to look at Felix.

"And why did you have to kill him? And Nathalie?"

"Oh well that's simple, they were blight in this world. And someone had to remove them."

"That's what police men are for! You had no business taking matters into your own hands!" Adrien yelled. "And no both of my parents are dead along with Nathalie!"

"Well actually only one of your parents is dead, your mother is very much alive. Just in a comatose state." Felix said.

Adrien turned back towards his mother. 

"She's alive?" he whispered.

Felix nodded and walked up behind him. 

"How do I save her?"

Felix held up a ring to Adrien's face. "with this."

Adrien took it, and examined it. "How is this supposed to help?"

"In order to save your mother, we have to become all powerful. With that ring, we will be linked, it is the first step to achieving our goals."

Adrien looked at Felix, "You will spare Marinette."

Felix nodded. "Understood, but when I give you an order you will do as I say. No questions asked."

He held out his hand to Adrien. "Deal?"

"Deal." Adrien said shaking it and sliding on the ring next to his miraculous.

Felix smiled and bowed. "Very well cousin dear, I suggest you get some rest tomorrow shall be a long day."

Shivers ran down Adrien's back as his cousin walked away, chuckling quietly. What had he gotten himself into?


The next day, Marinette made her way to school with Alya. While she walked in silence contemplating what to do about the Felix situation, Alya rambled about her latest date with Nino.

Upon arrival at the school, Marinette found herself surrounded by her classmates.

"Marinette? What happened?"

"Where were you Marinette we were so worried."

"We heard you got akumatized!"

At the last comment, Marinette whipped her head towards Alya.

Alya smiled and rubbed her nape. 

"Okay, so maybe I told Rose, who may have told Juleka and Myelin, and she probably told Ivan, and well look I'm sorry okay? But they were worried."

Marinette smiled, "It's alright, I understand."

After much explaining, and tiny white lies; Marinette was finally able to get away from the crowd. When arriving to her class, she flopped down at her desk.

"Ugh, this is so draining." She said, dropping her head on her desk. 

"Hey, okay so I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear right now. " Alya said sliding into her seat as the rest of the class trickled in. "But, Nino said he emailed Adrien last night, but he hasn't responded. He's also not here today. We were thinking of going over to his house during lunch break to see what's up, you wanna go?"

Marinette felt her insides crumble. turning to Alya, she smiled and nodded.


Adrien woke up to Felix in his face. He groaned and rolled on his stomach.

"What do you need Felix." He mumbled into his pillow.

Felix snapped his finger enthusiastically and pulled the blankets off Adrien. 

"Good morning Adrien, I suggest you get changed and ready to go. We leave in ten minutes."

Adrien got up to look at his cousin, but as quickly as he arrived he had left.

"Now Adrien," Felix said as they got into a car. "I'm going to need you to transform into Chat Noir."

"And why is that?" Adrien asked. "And where is the Gorilla? Did you kill him too?"

"The Gorilla?" Felix asked. "Oh you mean your body guard? I'm afraid I haven't seen him around lately, maybe I should pay him a visit."

Adrien shot Felix a nasty glare.

"What?" Felix asked innocently, "I merely want to have some tea and crumpets with him. Now unto other subjects, I need you to turn into Chat Noir so I can Transform you into Chat Blanc.

"You're what? And How are you going to do that?"

"Simple, I have the butterfly Miraculous."

"The one that you ripped from my father's cold dead hands."

"Well necktie actually, but Adrien I must ask you why do you defend your father so much he was an evil man. And yet you still mourn for him."

"He was my father Felix!"

"And he was going to kill you Adrien! If I had not intervened when I did who knows what that vile man would have done to you."

Adrien stare at Felix, resisting the urge to punch his cousin in the face.

"what do you need from me?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Oh now we're talking business?"

"When were we not?" Adrien spit out.

"Oh, I don't know maybe when you were throwing a hissy fit over your dead father like, oh I dont know not even a minute ago."

Felix sighed and rubbed his temples. 

"Honestly Adrien, you give me so many headaches. If you really don't want to work with me, just tell me so i can go ahead and shoot Marinette."

Adrien took a deep breath trying to calm down. "Don't touch her."

Felix turned his head towards his cousin. "Well then? are you going to transform or not?"

Sighing, Adrien looked down at his miraculous. Twisting it around he looked at his cousin in the eyes with as much hate could muster.

"Plagg, claws out."

Next update: 04-14-2020

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